Frank Castle' s Twin Brother!

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This is part 2 of Shane Walsh's Twin Brother!😊

The next day, Shane wanted to take a trip with his brother, and he had two ideas: The beach and the carnival. He was going to ask Frank and Matt when they woke up.

Shane made some pancakes and bacon. He put the food on the table. He grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. As he was pouring the orange juice in the cups both Frank and Matt came down the stairs and came into the kitchen.

"Good morning", Shane told them.

"Oh my god! you made all this!? This looks so delicious!", shouted Frank.

"It really does", Matt replied.

"Well eat up, we got a long day ahead of us", Shane said as he took a seat at the table.

"Long day?", Frank asked as he raised an eyebrow. He knew his brother was up to something. He just didn't know what it was. Frank sat down at the table but across from Shane.

Matt was confused but didn't say anything. He just sat down next to his boyfriend and waited for Shane to tell them what's going on.

Shane smiled at them both. "Well, I was thinking that we could go to the beach today or go to the carnival today".

"Both sound fun", Matt said as he picked up his cup and drank some of the orange juice.

The beach and the carnival sounded like a lot of fun to Frank. "Huh, that actually does sound fun".

Shane was happy they liked his idea. "It really does. So the beach or carnival?" Shane decided to let them pick.

Frank didn't know which one to choose so instead he asked Matt. "Matty which one? I'm gonna let you pick".

Matt didn't want to pick so instead he said this. " How about we do both? We can go to the carnival for a couple of hours and then we can head out to the beach and maybe spend a night there and come back tomorrow afternoon", he suggested.

"I actually like that idea", Shane said.

"Me too! Matty, you always have the best ideas", Frank said as he ruffles Matt's hair. Matt squinted his eyes and pushed Frank's hand away.

They ate their pancakes and they packed their bags enough for one day. They got dressed and got into the car. Frank wanted to drive so his brother let him. Matt sat in the back. Matt felt like the third wheel since the whole ride to the carnival Shane and Frank talked the whole ride there.

They finally got to the carnival and walked inside.

"Alright we are going on every single roller coaster ride here", Frank said grinning.

Shane looked at his brother. "We should start with the largest one".

"Oh hell yeah!", Frank shouted.

Matt was definitely the third wheel.

They walked over to the largest roller coaster. They didn't have to wait long in line. Shane and Frank ended up sitting next to each other in the cart and Matt sat behind them.

The roller coaster started and it went very fast. They came across a loop and they went upside down. Shane and Frank were having a blast. They had their hands up in the air, while Matt held onto the roller coaster bar tightly. They go on several loops and very fast turns. A few minutes later the ride ended. They got out of the carts.

"Shit that was fucking fun!", Frank yelled.

"I know right! We should definitely go on it again. I mean the line isn't that long", Shane said.

"Oh fuck yeah! We are definitely going on it again!", Frank yelled.

They all got back in line. Matt could smell the cotton candy because of heightened senses and he decided he was going to run off and get some.

He tapped Franks's shoulder. "Frank I'm going to get some cotton candy".

"You're not going to ride the roller coaster?", Frank asked.

"Uh, no. I'll get on the next one with yall", Matt said.

"Okay, do you need money?", Frank asked.

Matt nodded and Frank gave him a five-dollar bill.

Matt left and went over to the concession stand. He got in line and when it was his turn he said", I'll have the cotton candy".

"That's 4 dollars", the man said.

Matt handed the man the five-dollar bill. When he got his cotton candy, he sat down at an empty table and waited for Frank and Shane.

Shane and Frank were back in line. Shane turned to Frank and decided to ask him a would you rather question.

"Frank I have a question for you...", Shane smiled. He knew exactly what question he wanted to ask Frank.

"Ask away Shane".

"Okay... Would you rather never have sex again or never be able to ride a roller coaster again", Shane laughed.

That question was tough for Frank to answer because he loved both but he had to answer so he said: " I'll properly have to go with the roller coasters".

Shane was shocked by his answer. "So the sex is that good huh?"

"It's amazing! I can't go a day without fucking Matt", Frank whispered laughing into Shanes's ear.

Shane couldn't help but laugh. "You're a sex-crazed man brother".

"That I am", Frank laughed.

Finally, it was their turn, Frank and Shane got back in the roller coaster cart and had the funniest time of their life. The roller coaster ride finished and they get out of the cart.

They found Matt who was halfway done with his cotton candy.

Frank grabbed a chunk of cotton candy and pushed it into his mouth and ate it.

Matt yelled", Hey that's my cotton candy!"

"Don't be selfish Matt sharing is caring", Frank said as he tried to grab more cotton candy but Matt was too quick and moved the cotton candy far away from him.

Matt stood up from the table and chowed down on the cotton candy fast so Frank couldn't steal anymore. Shane couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Matt that was very Mean", Frank said.

"Matt I thought you were innocent and sweet", Shane laughed.

"Nope", Matt smiled.

"On the way out I'm gonna buy myself cotton Candy and I ain't gonna share with you", Frank joked with Matt. He was of course going to share with Matt but he wanted to see his reaction.

"You wouldn't do that, you love me too much", Matt said smiling.

Frank continued to joke with his boyfriend, "You never know".

Shane decided to join in with the fun. "would you share with me brother?"

"Of course Shane".

Matt chuckled and said" Oh my god."

They all continued to mess with one another and were laughing a lot. They ended up riding a lot more roller coasters and other fun rides. A few hours later they decided to leave.

Frank bought two cotton candies. He bought one for him and Shane to share and a whole one for Matt since he loved him so much.

They got into the car and headed off to the beach. Matt fell asleep in the back seat. Shane drove this time.

Shane looked at his brother and said" You got yourself a keeper, hold onto him".

"I'm never letting him go", Frank smiled. He turned around and looked at his sleeping boyfriend. He loved him so much.

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