Chapter 30 [Astronaut In The Ocean]

Start from the beginning

"Why?" huffed Y/N, clearly getting annoyed by this whole thing.

Erza looked deep in thought for a second before that damned sad smile returned in full force, "I'll explain all that I can while I'm still here. This is the Tower of Heaven, also known as the R-System. Ten years ago, a dark cult began constructing it in order to cast a forbidden spell that can bring the dead back to life."

'Zombieman much?' Y/N thoughts wandered back to the zombie hero from his old world before he focused back on the conversation at hand.

"It required many human sacrifices, who they also used as slaves to amplify the amount of magic needed. I... was one of the sacrifices here when I was little," everyone could only listen to Erza's story in silence, not even Y/N dared to make any comment on her tragic beginning, "One by one, people that tried to resist disappeared. But I wasn't like them, I was too afraid. So I made friends that I could trust. It was about that time that I met Jellal. Back then, we stood up for freedom, together. Jellal was our leader, he had a very strong sense of justice. However, one day, it was like he became another person entirely... If you could try to call someone truly evil... then I would call Jellal that. He was possessed... by Zeref. Then, after our revolt, he exiled me from the island and continued to build the Tower of Heaven."

"Zeref... you mean the big bad final boss Zeref?" there weren't many people named Zeref, at least that's what Y/N thought so it would make sense that the guy that possessed Jellal would be the same guy who created all those demons, but... "Hang on, how can he possess Jellal if he's fucking dead?"

"Black magic?" added Juvia, it wouldn't be too far fetched to think a wizard of Voldemort's-I MEAN Zeref's calibre would be capable of casting some sort of black magic even after death. 

"I don't know how, but I do know what my former friend Sho told me," interjected Erza, getting back on track with the conversation, "Once Zeref is revived, they are supposed to become rulers in heaven..."

"But this whole 'former friend' business makes no sense to me," this time it was Lucy's turn to add something to this chain of dialogue, "Wasn't it Jellal that betrayed everyone, not you? Why is everyone blaming you?"

"Jellal must have fed them some lie after I was gone," Erza decided to go with the simple answer of Jellal bamboozling everyone instead of them deciding to team-up with him out of their own volition because friendship > logic, "But I did leave them here for eight whole years, that still makes me a traitor."

Everyone stood around Erza in silence before it was broken by Y/N who finished digesting all the information thrown at them the quicker, "...Sheesh."

But Erza's backstory talk couldn't progress any further as a new presence made itself known. It was the same dark-skinned NTR reject that sealed everyone in cards back at the casino, "W-What's up with that story, Sister...?"

"Hoo boi."

"Are you trying to get your friends' sympathy with that nonsense?! It's a load of crap, the truth was nothing like that!" yelled Sho who, if you couldn't tell, clearly disagreed with Erza's story.

"Ah who gives a shit?!" before Sho could continue his obviously fake backstory on what happened on the day Erza managed to escape this wretched place Y/N rudely interjected, roughly stroking the sides of his head, "I know this backstory stuff is important to you and everything but I honestly don't care what you did or whose fault it was. We are here to save Happy and Erza, and I guess the whole world from the second... third? Yeah THIRD coming of Voldemort-"

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