Chapter 12

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Jungkook took a breath out, heart beating so loud, he can hear it loud and clear, hands are shaking hiding that single rose behind his back,  ''Just simply put it on her desk.'' Hoseok whispered beside him, and Jungkook looked at him, Hoseok gave a assuring nod.

"I cant be with you today'' Jin said, while you arrange your things ''we have a meeting.'' Jin being vice president of the student council cant just leave the meeting right?, you sighed and nodded understanding his situation ''Bye bye.'' Jin took his bag and gave you a smile before leaving you smiled back and waved your hand before  he turned his back. 

You suddenly felt that wet thing under you, ''Damn is it today?'' you cursed under your breath, now aware of your period. Jungkook finally has build up the courage, he stand up  bag on his one shoulder, he give his best to look cool for you, he put the rose on your desk and his heart dropped when you grab his sleeve ion between of your thumb and index finger, looking down being totally ashamed of this, but you cant asked  others, at least with Jungkook you're quite familiar. ''Quite fast than I expected.'' Hoseok whispered to himself watching the both of you. 

You are biting your lip, Jungkook tried to read you ''Uhm'' he waits, patiently ''You know the thing.'' okay like what thing? Jungkook's brain is 100 percent functioning ''Its today.'' today? what today? it's not even your birthday. 


He stared at you, you are looking ashamed of this, think  of something a girl can be ashamed of Jeon. He nagged himself, panicking before a one thing crossed his mind, now he gets it. ''O-- oh'' Jungkook nodded quickly , and you were surprised did the telepathy did well? you let him go, ''I- I'll be quick.'' you nodded remained sitting there, you breathed out, and you saw Jungkook run.

Jungkook rushed to his locker, opening it hoping he brought it. He smiled seeing a jacket inside he grab it and give it a peck. He then run to where he can buy pads for women, ''For women.'' he let out and gladly the cashier gets it with a smile on her face, how sweet type of a boyfriend. Jungkook quickly grab it, and run quickly to you, ''Excuse me for a second.'' and he leaned closer tying the jacket around your waist and you stand up, he gave you what you need it is covered with paper, you looked down cheeks warm because of embarrassment 'T-thanks.'' Jungkook nodded, you excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. 

While you are in the bathroom, Jungkook rushed to the clinic trading his I.D with something before standing outside of the bathroom waiting for you. You just got out, of the bathroom his jacket around your waist,  you notice he's not wearing his I.D anymore he gave you a plastic bag ''I heard women needs it.''  you opened the bag plastic bag, and you saw a heating pad, you looked at Jungkook who rubbed his neck. 

That' s the first time you felt your heart beat, because of him....


You are in the hall, it's the day when the groom and bride will have their rehearsal, you saw Jungkook standing where the groom should be, she took a step in the aisle, his eyes never meeting yours, you watched her slowly taking steps to him heart pieces falls while she took a single step . Until you saw her standing beside him, taking his arm, while Jungkook just simply wished this rehearsing thing will be done soon.  You looked away when it's the time kiss the bride, turning your back not even glancing at them, every single step you missed him. 

Dianne tipped toed reaching his fiance for a rehearsal kiss, Jungkook looked away taking a step back, he is irritated, his eyes is on your back. He sighed ''Can I leave now?'' he asked before leaving the hall. ''Yah Jeon Jungkook!'' Dianne's shout was heard around the hall, while Jungkook just let her voice pass through  his left ear through his right ear. Jin can't help but chuckled looking down, he believes she deserves it. 

You took the elevator escaping the place where he is, but guess what? destiny really bring you guys back together. The door opens and it's him who is in front of you, he just got inside not even glancing at you, it seems like there's no one beside him, and it hurts you, the air suddenly suffocates you, you wanted to leave this place right now. The door opens before you could ever leave people enters, making you squeeze aside, Jungkook made his way to you,  standing in front of you, face are too close, he looked away not even looking at you your arms are crossed on your chest keeping your breath. Heart beating wild while Jungkook jut protect you from a possible maniacs when the elevator made a clicking sound indicating it will open, Jungkook backed away and left. You watched his back and hold your tears, he purposely made a slow step hoping you would grab him, because the moment you grab him he is ready to give up everything just to be with you, just say the word, just tell him you love him, he will fight for you.  Jungkook took a step disappointed you didn't even grab him, ''Follow me.'' he said and he scoffed when you made your own way and ignore him, till the end you are stubborn, he sighed following you, your heart stops, steps halts, and Jungkook almost bumped behind you, he chewed his cheek keeping his hands in his pockets, his eyes shooting daggers at the guy in front of you. He can feel his blood slowly boils through his veins, poking his cheek with his tongue, you are standing in front of him, and the guy's eyes is on you, he gave you the rectangular smile he used to showed you. 

''How have you been y/n?''


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