Chapter 7

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You knocked on his door, but no one answered you called his phone but it was busy, you sighed sitting in front of his door waiting for him, hugging your knees, the rain starts to pour outside, and you stand up looking back at his door, before walking away in disappointment. 

Jungkook entered the building, when you just left he is in disappointment, he waited in front of your house after calling you a lot times. It was busy because you were calling him, the same time he was calling you, he sighed entering his house. He laid on his couch staring his ceiling before drifting into sleep.


''Good morning.'' You greeted to employees who is bowing and greeting you when you entered the Hotel ''Not late today huh'' Jin walked beside you, he is the only person who can talk to you without formalities or even bowing. ''I wasn't able to sleep last night.'' you yawned ''that's why you're not that pretty today, your beauty rest ain't full yet.'' and you widen your eyes ''am I that stress out?'' and he nodded ''Look, your hair is even falling.'' he exage making you hit his arm and he chuckled ''Spill the bean.'' he hugged your arm, while you tell him what happened. And do your work after talking.


''Wear proper clothes today , you'll have your birthday party tonight.'' Jungkook just nodded, he is having a party, more like a business he knows it's not a party to celebrate  his birthday, but to do some business as well, typical rich kids birthday. ''Dianne, made it for you.'' he just nodded, and bowed at his father before leaving the room.


''The witch wants to see you, about the wedding.'' you sighed when Jin just told you an information, ''who do meetings in 6pm?'' Jin let out giving you the location ''If she just isn't a VV.I.P customer.'' he sighed and you just took the paper, ''I'll just go here for a moment, then go home after.'' Jin nodded and you smiled at him before leaving.

your car stopped in front of a beautiful luxurious venue, they are a lot of people wearing fine luxurious clothes, it seems like they have a fashion show. You checked your clothes, pretty good thank god you wore a knee length dress, with a slit on front not revealing, its sexy yet elegant. You smiled at the mirror, building your self confidence before getting out of your car, your eyes searched for her, people eyes are on you, some of them are even gossiping words, you cant hear,  you saw her from far smiling her fingers wrapped around a scotch glass with champagne in it. And she saw you, ''isn't she the ex wife of him?'' you heard when people started to recognize ''Yea, the one who suck with Jeon's stocks.'' 

''Her family is bankrupt, and they had Jeon's support.''

''isn't she a gold digger?.''

''Why is she even here? she doesn't belong here.''

''Poor little thing, maybe she's here again for  money.''

Too many words, to stab your heart and pride, you are brave but right now you hated yourself for not being able to defend yourself.  You looked around and saw 'him', now it hits you, it's his birthday party, you feel like you are being sucked by the ground, his eyes met yours, he was surprised you are here. You quickly look away from him, and Dianne came in front of you handing the money ''here, what's you want.'' and the people started to judge you even more, Dianne smirked after humiliating you, you feel like you are already breaking down but not in front of this witch, you're mind functioned this is her plan, she wanted to do this to you, to make you embarrass and now that you get it, you grab the money ''Thanks, after all this is the payment of my service for your wedding, you still have a remaining balance of a hundred thousand.'' you put the money in your purse and gave her a smile while she scoffed ''and earlier you were saying I am a gold digger?'' you asked the girl who talked behind your back ''I ain't gold digger, and yes my family was bankrupt and we manage to survive because of the Jeon enterprises, but after I had my divorce we dont receive any support from them, since the merge contract is already expired, and thanks to my Mom's hard work in States, our company is  stable now, and doing good.'' you smiled in front of them being proud, there is no reason to be ashamed of the truth.   Dianne breathed out in madness, this is not her plan you ruined it and it annoys her so much, you turned your back and leave, and she grabbed your hair not being able to hold her anger anymore, ''Let go.'' Jungkook hold's Dianne wrist ''But Jungkook.'' she whined his eyes are too cold, and scary that made her let you go ''Are you okay?'' Jungkook asked  he saw you are wearing a thin fabric, he quickly remove his coat and put it on you. 

''she probably force him to love her.'' Dianne smirked when she heard that from someone but everybody shut up. 

When Jungkook landed his lips on your forehead.


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