chapter eighteen

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"Nothing you just looked a bit lost," he added, stood up, and left the room.

2 months later

Everything was confusing, Draco was still living with Elle and she was clearly falling in love with Draco, so was he. No one said a word about being in love because they didn't want to ruin their friendship.

Draco entered his room and saw a bag on the table, he had no idea where it came from but he was more than curious to open it and see what's inside.

He got that bag, sat on his bed, and opened it. There was a notebook, a note, and a few clothes inside of it. "What the fuck is that" he whispered to himself quietly and shook his head to get all the weird thoughts out of his head.

He took the note and slowly started to read it.
"My love, Hello. Yes, this is me, the one Draco who is still coping with the pain that your loss gave me. It is hard, it is so fucking hard."

"What in the Merlin is that" he whispered quietly again because he understood that he was the one who wrote it but he couldn't remember why and when.

He kept reading it and when he reached Elles name in that letter he started screaming. "Dude what the fuck" he felt like his head was being torn apart, he lost his hearing and couldn't see properly.

"What the fuck make it stop" he covered his head with his hands and tried to stop that pain but it was uncontrollable. His head was hurting more and more every second he didn't know if he was gonna make it through this shit.

He slowly laid down dropping all the stuff he got on the ground and then, everything went black. He has passed out.

As soon as he did pass out there was a loud bang. Elle was home. She walked into Dracos room and saw him lying there, she didn't think much of it, but she saw all the stuff on the ground and looked at it, but took the letter and walked out of the room.

She sat down in the kitchen and opened that letter. "That's a long one" she whispered to herself. Elle then started to read it too.

"My love, Hello. Yes, this is me, the one Draco who is still coping with the pain that your loss gave me. It is hard, it is so fucking hard." she read with a bit of a tone, she was never so confused in her entire life, but she kept reading it.

"Everything was my fault, your death was my fault, I should have not left you there, I regret everything so much." she read. "What the fuck is this letter about" she frowned and talked to herself like a freak, but continued reading it.

"You were the only girl, who understood me, who supported me no fucking matter what, the only girl who was there for me, the only girl who did not use me only for sex, and the only girl who truly loved me." she read and smiled a little. "Wow whoever that girl was, he was really in love with her, must've been a lucky girl huh" She smirked jokingly, but she, of course, knew that she wasn't supposed to joke about this, because it's someone's death we're talking about.

"You don't fucking understand, Elle, I need you." she read and her heart dropped. She saw her name in that letter. "What-" she whispered to herself quietly and tried her best to concentrate on reading it till the end.

"That's why I have decided to ask Mattheo, yes, Mattheo fucking Riddle to obliviate me, to delete all my memories with everyone and especially you. I wanted and needed to forget you and forget that you existed, even if it was so fucking hard but this was the only way. I have to move on, I cannot live like this anymore." she continued.

"Who on this weirdly beautiful earth is Mattheo Riddle," she asked herself but couldn't remember who he was, even though she was pretty sure that she have heard this name before.

"Trust me, Elle, I really loved you, I loved you with all my heart, I loved you, I always did love you and I always will love you, no matter what." at that point she was more confused than ever. "Is Draco hiding anything from me?" she looked at the letter "Probably not."

"When I saw your body on the ground, it was that moment when I realized how much I loved you and how much I needed you in my life, I needed to treat you better, I wanted to treat you like a queen because you deserved this, you deserved to be treated like a queen, but you were my little princess." When Elle read this, her eyes were full of tears, she had no idea who Draco was talking about but she was pretty sure that it was her.

"If I had one wish, only one fucking wish I would bring you back to life, I would treat you better and spend every free second with you." The second she read this part, all she wanted to do was stand up, go to Dracos room and hug him really tight, or slap the shit out of him.

"I fucking love you, Elle Snape, I will never forget you, even if I will, I promise you, with all my heart, with all my body, I promise you with everything." She looked at every single word closely. "Elle Snape? What-" she whispered again and slowly looked at the scar that she had on her chest.

No one really told her where that scar came from, she asked everyone she knew, but no one bothered to answer her.

"Yours, always and forever, Draco Malfoy." as she read the last words, she was full-on sobbing, she didn't know what to do, she wanted to figure out every single thing about her that she doesn't know.

She carefully folded that piece of paper in half and put it in her back pocket, stood up, and went to Dracos room.

He was still sleeping peacefully, or so she thought. "Draco" she tried waking him up but no response. "Draco wake up" she started shaking him and looking all over the room to get something to wake him up, but nothing really worked.

hi! so i think i will start publishing again, i'm not sure tho but i will try! love you all<3
-robe :)

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦'𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 ~𝑆.𝑀. (Part 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang