chapter four

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Scorpius Malfoy 😏 is typing...

I took my phone out and opened Snapchat, but didn't open his message because he was only typing it, of course it made me pissed because he was a slow writer or whatever.

I held my phone in my hand and waited for him to send me that message, of course I got a notification saying that he sent me a message. I was kind of scared to open it but I still had to, I wasn't THAT type of person who leaves people on seen or on delivered, well maybe sometimes if he, she or they are annoying.

When I took my phone in my hands again, I saw the notification and I was actually scared to open it but I don't know why.

From Scorpius Malfoy 😏

I unlocked my phone, opened Snapchat and opened his message.

Scorpius Malfoy 😏

What do you want from me?

Scorpius Malfoy 😏
Jesús girl chill, I just wanted to ask if you're coming to the Slytherin party tonight?

Sure whatever, I don't actually care, when is it and where?

Scorpius Malfoy 😏
It's in the Slytherin common room, at eleven pm, be there and don't be late because bitches there won't let you in, and I'll come to your dorm because you still probably don't remember where the common room is, and by the way, wear a short dress, trust me.

Why short? Whatever I don't care I love short dresses and yeah come but after I'll be ready because I don't want your 'ugly' ass to see my whole body

Scorpius Malfoy 😏
Your wish is my command darling, see you later x

See you later I guess.

I closed all my apps and checked the time, it was nine pm so I had two hours to get ready, I quickly unpacked my bags and found a cute white dress, it was kind of short but not very short, my ass was visible only when sitting down or standing up, I decided to wear it and also black heels, they weren't really tall but I still wanted to wear them because they looked good with my dress.

I took off my old clothes and got into a shower, but it was a quick shower of course, i didn't want to be late, and the fact that was my first party here, and my first day here in Hogwarts, but I already loved it, it felt like home, not like I felt in muggle world.

After about ten minutes I got out of the shower and went into my dorm, it smelled really good though, cherries and vanilla mix also a little bit of peppermint and wood, I loved it, it actually smelled really really good.

I put my dress on and checked myself out in the mirror, I looked awesome, I loved it, I felt confident even though I was without any makeup yet, but of course I will put it on, I had to put some makeup on.

I walked up to my makeup table and took out my cosmetic bag and put it on the table, turned on the light and took out my eyeliner out of my bag, closed my one eye and drew the line on my eye, the right eye of course. This time it was perfect, the eyeliner was perfect and I really loved it, I was hoping that my left eye will look as good as my right eye.

I moved on to the left eye, surprisingly it was as perfect as the right eye, I was really happy the way it turned out, I took out my mascara and my eyelash curler, put on some mascara, brushed the clumpy mascara and curled my eyelashes with the eyelash curler, I looked perfect, then moved on to the hair, I took out my hair dryer and dried my hair out, my hair was naturally straight so I didn't use my straightener this time, I loved the way it looked.

I checked my time and it was already ten thirty pm so I checked myself out one last time, took my perfume out of my bag, sprayed it all over me, grabbed my phone, my wand and walked out of my dorm, locked it with my key which was attached to my wand and waited for Scorpius to come.

After about two minutes of he showed up, he was wearing a black suit, but like not a black, but dark dark black, he looked really good in it, he took my hand and we walked to the common room, as soon as we reached the common rooms door he opened it "Ladies first" he said and I smiled "Thank you" and walked inside the common room, he got inside after me.

The smell of weed and alcohol hit my nose, but it smelled pretty good actually, I loved it, I wanted to get as drunk as I could get and as high as I could be, of course this would not have been my first time but not my last one either.

"You ready?" Scorpius asked me and smiled at me, then looked at me and smiled again. "Yes I am read sir." I said and he took my hand and we walked to the drinks table, there were a lots of different types of alcohol, of course me being me, I wanted to try all of them.

I took one red cup and poured some green liquid in it, I had no idea what it was but I wanted to try it, I took a sip and felt a warm liquid in my mouth, I think that it was apple liquor, it tasted really nice and I actually loved it, I drank all of it almost in a few seconds, Scorpius was looking at me "Wow you're actually drinking? I thought that you were innocent" he said and smiled.

"Well, I guess that I'm not innocent. Why aren't you drinking though?" I asked him and he shook his head "I will drink, but not right now." He said to me and smiled again, his smile was fucking perfect.

Then I took the same cup and poured some brown liquid in it, drank a bit and immediately recognised it, it was fire whiskey, strong one, I loved fire whiskey because you can get drunk really fast without drinking much alcohol.


I got drunk in minutes, the music was blasting and everyone were dancing, Scorpius was sitting on the couch, already drunk and I was dancing in front of him, he looked at me and smirked "You don't know how much I'd love to fuck you right now" he muttered to himself, but of course I heard it.

I was really drunk and barely could think and control my words and actions "So why don't you just take me to your dorm and fuck me?" I asked him and didn't even realise what the fuck I just said, I didn't want to do this, well my heart didn't want to fuck him but my mind and my pussy wanted him inside me.

Hey loves, lateish and shortish chapter, so I'm sorry haha plus I don't feel really good lately that's why I'm not updating everyday, but I'll update more often after my mental health will get better and also when this book will have more reads, also don't forget to interact, every vote and every comment counts, criticism is always appreciated too. I love you all xx
Have a great day or night.
-Robe <3

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