chapter seven

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My whole body was shaking for about two minutes until I felt another cold feeling cover my body and then... nothing.

I woke up in a little house, I didn't remember anything that happened before, well I knew was that I felt some kind of pain and I couldn't even understand what kind of been at what is it just was there.

"Oo ¡por fin te has levantado! Buenos días, mi amor." I heard a strong voice, I actually had no idea what was happening, I didn't know who that man was. <you're finally up! Good morning my love>

"Buenos días" I answered and I saw a man with black hair standing in front of me. I was pregnant, probably with his child. <good morning>

After a couple of minutes I literally remembered everything, I remembered that I died, Hogwarts, I remembered everything.

There still was a spot in my heart for something felt empty, like I haven't remembered something from Hogwarts.

I wanted to feel something from there, something in my heart was actually missing and I had no fucking idea who and what.
I finally held my baby girl in my hands, she was actually so fucking pretty I didn't even know how she was that pretty.

She had dark blonde hair and half grey half green eyes, they looked so pretty and she was so adorable.
Years we're passing by, I didn't tell Theia anything about Hogwarts because I could actually barely remember anything.

We got hundreds of letters, she was a witch, but I tried my best to stop her from going in there because I was so scared that she will die there too.

All those years, and there still was something missing in my heart, I had no fucking idea what. I didn't know if it was a person, or something else but something was missing.

Was I supposed to remember something? I had no idea.

Me and Scorpius were best friends, in those few weeks we grew closer and closer to each other but we didn't have sex anymore.

He often slept in my dorm to comfort me, but I felt something that I have never felt in my heart. It was about him. I didn't know what that feeling was and it was almost impossible to explain.

It was morning and I always used to wake up first, he was a literal sleeping princess.

I got out of the bed and went to the shower, he was still sleeping peacefully and it made me happy to see him like this.
Potions class.

Professor Snape told me to not leave the classroom after the class, again, he wanted to talk with me.

When the class ended I was left with him in the classroom. "Has your mother ever talked about Draco Malfoy?" He asked me softly and I smiled but with the confusion because I had no idea what he meant, I mean Draco is Scorpius's father and I don't think that they should have known each other.

"No? Why? He's Scorpius's father isn't he?" I asked him again and he smiled a little and nodded his head "yes he is." I looked at Snape again and I had like hundred of questions in my head.

"what should I know about them" I asked sleep and he said down on his chair. " so basically your mother was a student in Hogwarts, and of course my daughter, she was dating Draco Lucius Malfoy, yes the same one. There was a Hogwarts war and she died. Draco was really upset and he couldn't do anything for weeks until he decided to ask someone to obliviate him, in other words delete all his memories from his mind so he could forget her, and he did. He doesn't remember her and I don't think that your mum remembers Draco either." He said to me and I was pretty shocked because I didn't expect for him to tell me this and I had no idea that my mum was a witch.

"That doesn't make any sense at all but I guess okay" I spat to Professor Snape. "Can I go to my dorm now?" I asked him and he nodded his head with and say anything else, so I just left his classroom and went to my door.
"Good morning" I heard a voice behind me when I was doing my makeup, he was up. "Good morning Scorps." I said and he looked at me while smiling.

I was actually pretty happy with him, even though we were not dating and I thought that he didn't have any feelings for me except, we loved each other like best friends but I didn't. I loved him more. I was emotionally and physically attached to him.

"Hey Theia" Scorpius said with his morning voice which actually was really hot. "Yes?" I asked him and looked at him, I was almost done with my makeup I only needed to put my lipstick on.

"I want you to meet my father." He said and I smiled a little but inside my heart dropped, he wanted me to meet Draco Malfoy. Fucking Draco Malfoy.

Okay. "You're joking right" I asked him and he shook his head side to side to show me that he was not joking. "No I'm very serious right now." Scorpius said and smiled a little.

"I mean sure but don't you think that my mother should meet your father? I mean" I said softly because I knew that something was up between my mother and his father and I wanted to know everything what happened between them, even if they forgot each other maybe there's a way for them to remember each other.

"I mean we can try but I don't think that my dad will like your mother because she's not a witch and everything." Scorpius said to me and smiled a little but he knew that it was awkward for him to talk about this.

"Yeah, but I mean I think that there still is a chance for him to like her, don't you think?" I asked him and came up to him, our lips were almost touching, we were literally centimetres away from each other and I could feel his breath on my face, that minty breath.

"Yeah" he stopped breathing for a little bit because he felt uncomfortable, I leaned in and kissed him, his soft as fuck lips. He kissed me back and slowly wrapped his hand around my throat, it actually felt pretty nice because he wasn't doing it in a painful way, it was actually so fucking attractive and also it's turned me on for some fucking reason.

It was pretty weird but he pinned me to the wall and started to slowly kiss my neck while leaving soft bites and also purple marks, he was marking me again and it felt really fucking nice knowing that he wanted to own me.

Little did he knew that I was already his girl. "Fuck you are so fucking hot you know that, Theia?" Scorpius asked me and slowly slid his hand under my skirt and lifted it up a little bit leaving me with my panties on only.

"Scorpius-" I whispered quietly and he looked at me "what's wrong love" he replied and I shook my head.

HELLO, I just wanted to tell you all that the next chapter will be kind of spicy so if you don't like smut just skip that chapter, and also thank you for all the love and support <3

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