chapter six

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Spanish <Translation in English>

I woke up in my dorm, of course my head was pounding because of how much I drank yesterday. I barely remembered anything, what I did that night, I only had a few flashbacks. I didn't know if they were real or was I just dreaming but some of them were kind of creepy.

I got out of the bed and walked to my mirror, I could barely walk because my legs were hurting so fucking bad and I had no idea why because we didn't dance that much. I mean I didn't dance at all I only drank and sat on the couch.

It was Tuesday so I had to go to the classes, so I took off my old clothes, because I was still in the same ones I was in the party with. I walked up to my closet and took out random clothes so I can wear them behind my Hogwarts robes.

I put them in and put my Slytherin tie on and after that my robes. I had no idea what class I had so I checked my schedule, I had no idea who gave it to me but I actually didn't care.

"Damn, potions" I muttered to myself because I was alone in my dorm. Okay now calm down and go to the classes or whatever.

I took my books, my wand and other school stuff, and left my dorm, of course locked it. "Where the fuck is potions classroom" I muttered to myself again and I heard a voice behind me.

"I can show you where it is darling" I turned around and saw Gabrielle, she looked fucking stunning, I don't know what she was doing to herself everyday but she always looked very good and of course my bisexual panic was rising up.

"Oh hey, yeah sure i'd love that" I answered and she pointed her hand at me as a sign to take her hand, I of course took it into mine and she smiled, also her cheeks were blushing a little bit.

"Damn love you look hot today" Gabrielle complimented me and I blushed, I felt how my cheeks were burning. "Thank you I guess, you look fucking hot too" I tried to compliment her back and she smiled at me.

After a couple of minutes we were near a classroom, it had a big, brown door. "Here we are, open the door and walk inside it, I could help you but you have to learn how to walk everywhere alone." She spat to me and giggled a little bit, her giggles were adorable.

I opened the door and saw profesor Snape standing in front of the class, but as soon as I walked in his eyes were on me. I had no idea why and what I did even though we haven't talked with him.

Scorpius was already in the class and he looked at me and smiled but he wiped that smile off his face as soon as he saw Gabrielle with me.

I sat down to the nearest table and took my potions book out, it was kind of big and heavy, and I mean really heavy.

"Turn page three hundred ninety four." Snape spat and everyone turned their pages and I was lost with mine so Snape somehow helped me, he slowly walked up to me and put his hands on the table.

"Miss.. Evans" he said slowly, to be honest he was so fucking slow it even annoyed the fuck out of me. "Yes, professor?" I asked him carefully because ow as kind of afraid of him, he was scary.

"After the class, stay for a little bit longer, I want to talk with you.." he said and took a quick pause "alone" he added and I fake smiled at him because he was actually kind of scary.

"Damn you got into trouble on your first day didn't you" Scorpius yelled in front of the whole class and I was actually embarrassed of myself because this is happening to me. Right now. In front of the class.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦'𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 ~𝑆.𝑀. (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now