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I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm and the sunlight peeking through the curtains. It was time to get up but I didn't have the energy to even open my eyes. I was sleeping beside my laptop and didn't even know when I dozed off last night. Thankfully it was after I had completed the assignments. I groggily woke up and dragged myself to the washroom. I did my business, took a quick shower and got ready in a pair of black jeans and an off-shoulder floral top. I tied my hair in a ponytail and went out to get coffee. I filled my cup up to the brim and sighed after taking the first sip. It was like heaven in a mug. I finished my coffee and filled a travel mug for the ride.

Calvin would be here any moment. I went to my room and picked up my phone. There was a message from Calvin.

' Good morning pancake. Can't drive with you to the university, early morning meeting. Liam will be there to drop you. Miss you. '

I was disappointed because of the message and also felt bad for using Liam for my personal use but didn't say anything because Calvin won't listen to me on this. I sent him a quick reply.

' Morning Calvin. Too bad about the meeting. I'll miss you too. Have a great day.'

I went down and saw Liam waiting for me in front of the car with a bouquet of flowers. He wished me morning and gave me the bouquet of fresh tulips.

" Mr. Smith sent these for you. "

" Thanks Liam. "

I took them from him and smelled them. A beautiful smile took over my face because of Calvin. I messaged him saying thank you for the flowers and I Love You. His reply was instant.

Love you more , sweetheart.’

My mood was instantly better after that. Liam opened the door for me and I slid in the back seat. He drove me to the University and told me that he was at my service whenever I needed him. I said a polite thank you and went to the class. The campus looked extraordinary today because there were preparations going on for the upcoming Fresher's Party, that is this weekend. I made a mental note to ask Calvin to attend it with me. It would be so romantic.

I had three classes today but later got to know that the second class was free because the professor of that subject wasn't well. I went to the library and caught up with my remaining work. I was ecstatic because this way I could spend the evening with Calvin after work. I messaged him saying that I was free after work and if he was too we should meet up. Our lifestyle was extremely busy and it didn't allow us to see each other as often as we would like to. I was also thinking about staying the night at Calvin's and cuddling with him.  

Calvin replied that he was free and would pick me after work. I got back to work and focused on that only. After sometime, a guy occupied the empty seat across from me and I recognised him from some of my classes. He gave me a dashing smile and I returned it with one of my polite ones. I returned back to work but he interrupted me.

" Hey Sophia, I wanted to ask you something. "

" Hi... " I didn't know his name and I wasn't even interested in talking to him because he gave me a creepy vibe but I didn't want to be impolite.

" I'm Jacob. I'm in some of your classes."

" Yeah I've seen you around. What do you wanna ask?"

" I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the Fresher's party. "

" I'm sorry Jacob but I have a boyfriend and he'll be attending it with me."

I didn't like letting people down but I had no other choice. I gave him an apologetic smile but he stormed off angrily. I didn't ponder much on that because it must've hurt his ego or something. This was normal in college. I attended the last lecture and walked to work.

A huge fuss was going on there. I wondered what happened and asked a fellow employee about it. He told me that something which was supposed to be uploaded this week was misplaced in the system and now there is nothing prepared to print in the magazine and everyone is freaking out about it.

We had an emergency meeting to come up with new ideas for the article and write them tonight. We were expected to have them edited and ready by tomorrow so everyone was working late. This day couldn't get worse.

I had no option but to deliver this bad news to Calvin. I gave him a call but it went straight to voicemail so left a message saying that I have to work overtime tonight and can't see him. I felt bad for spoiling our plans but there wasn't much I could do. So I stopped regretting and started working. I was almost done with more than half of my work when I got a call from Calvin, so I took a break. I picked his call and went to the cafeteria. I explained him the situation while I decided on what to eat from the vending machine. I bought myself a granola bar and an energy drink.

Calvin was also upset but told me he would come to pick me up himself because Liam had left for the day. I was going to say that there was no need for that as I could take a cab or walk home but I knew Calvin. He would never let me do that and I didn't want to trouble him as he was up early today so I lied to him. I told him that Emma will come pick me up after work. He was okay with it and didn't argue. He told me to take care and message him when I reach home. We ended the call after an I love you. I felt bad for lying.

So what do you guys think about this chapter? Do you think Calvin knows that Sophia is lying? What if he finds out? Stay tuned to know what happens. Follow the book and share among your friends. Keep reading. Much love❤️.

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