15- finally

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"cmon dix!" noah yelled pulling my hand, he was running to the ferris wheel. "jezz boy calm down" i followed him, we stood in line for while. i really didn't mind it, noah was really nice, and he always kept the conversation going. "tomorrow's our last day here, and then we are going back to new york after that" we spent the past week in the bahamas, noahs family was really nice. "can we just enjoy it here? i don't want to think about going back home. i think i'll just stay with you in your apartment" i told him, me and noah where in the next cart for the ride, meaning that something will happen, you know noah, all romantic and shit. "next" me and noah sat down, both of us on the same side and i leaned my head on his shoulder.

we got to the top and he tapped me, "dix? i have something to ask you?"
"yes?" i whined trying to be nice, i was tired and it was a long day. "i know we only met 2 months ago but we've been through a lot and i just want to know" he took a breath "dixie jane, will you be my girlfriend" he smiled with tears in his eyes. i nodded in return and kissed him. "finally" i laughed touching our foreheads. "i told you i'd find the perfect place" he laughed and hugged me.

the rest of the night was nice, we spent it together as his family knew about the plan and let us come to the fair alone.  it was definitely a night i'd remember forever.

this is really short i just wanted it too be just one chapter.

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