GroundHog Day PT 2

Start from the beginning

"Hello." Penny smiles.

"Hello Monsieur." Marinette smiles shyly.

"Please call me Bruce. My sons are around her some where.... Oh there they are. They are coming." At that 4 boys walk over.

One was obviously older than the rest. He had dark hair and blue eyes. The second oldest had dark hair with a few white streaks and blue eyes with a greener hue to them. The third is one had dark hair and blue eyes with unnoticeable eye bags. And the fourth one... he grabbed Marinette's attention. He had tan skin with dark hair and piercing green eyes. He was the definition of a perfectly beautiful person.

"These are my sons. Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and lastly Damian Wayne." As he introduced them they each said hi and shook Marinette's hand.

When she got to Damian their eyes locked. When they touched there was lighting bolts going through her. Instead of shaking her hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"Nice to me you miss." He said politely in a deep voice, his lips turned up slightly by the corners.

That made Marinette blush.

Damian's family was staring at Damian wide eyed while Marinette's family smirked.

Marinette took her hand away slowly and held it to her chest. "Likewise." She smiled.

Bruce and Jagged shared a look.

"Welp I better be making my way around. Still have to do my speech. See you guys around." That was the last thing Bruce said before he left, him slightly dragging his older three sons away.

"Nettie you can either come along and meet some people or stay here with the young Wayne. Your choice." Jagged said.

Marinette looked up into the green eyes. Once again mesmerized by them.

"I-I think I'll stay." She said with a little stutter.

"See you soon hun." Penny said as she dragged Jagged off.

Marinette and Damian kept starring into each other's eyes for a few more minutes. Neither one knowing what to say.

"U-Umm what do you want to do?" Marinette asks nervously.

Damian continued to look at Marinette. He noticed all her freckles and her button nose. He noticed how there was a slight blush on her cheeks. Some how this girl in front of him was different than all the other harlots that tried to get with him. If the electrifying touch said anything.

All he knew is this girl needed to be in his life.

"Want to dance?" He asks after a long silence. He outstretched his hand to the smaller girl.

Marinette look at him in surprise before her face shifted to a soft smile that sent butterflies to Damian's stomach. She took his outstretched hand.


Soon the 2 are on the dance floor. Both dancing gracefully in sync. The people around them, while till dancing, admired the Wayne heir and the rockstar's daughter.

During the long dance Damian and Marinette got to know each other. It was almost like they have known each other all their life.

Soon they made it out to the Garden and walked around silently.

"Say... how about.. a date?" Damian asks, breaking the silence.

"A date? When?" Marinette asks. A blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Tomorrow.. I'll simply take you out for a picnic at 7pm so we could watch the sunset." Damian says.

Marinette smiles. "Sure. I'd like that."


It was the next day and Marinette was staring at the beautiful garden Damian had taken her to. It was a very beautiful garden. In the far back of it were lots of trees. Past the trees was a cliff with an amazing sight to the ocean and a very nice place to watch the sunset.

"Woah." She said as she silently sat down on the blanket.

"Woah indeed." Damian said while looking at her causing her to blush.

As they ate they joked around. It was the best day of Marinette's life. The most happiest she has ever been. For some reason she just felt complete when she was with Damian.

While she was laughing she look at the horizon and her breath got caught in her throat. The sun had started to set. The sky was painted with shades of orange, yellow, pink and purple. It was quiet the site to see. To add to that it reflected off the ocean.

"It's beautiful." Marinette whispered.

"That she is." Damian says.

Marinette looked at him. She noticed he had been looking at her the whole time and blushed.

They just stared deep into each other's eyes.

'When did we get so close?' Marinette thought to her self.

With their face nearly touching and lips centimeters apart Damian asked the question she was oh so desperately hoping for.

"Can I... kiss you?" He asks. Lips brushing briefly against Marinette's.

Marinette could only nod before his lips were on her's.

The kiss sent electric bolts through each of their bodies. It was a sweet kiss soon turned passionate. Marinette shifted so she could fully face Damian. Both her hands were around his neck as one of his were around her waist and the other supporting the back of her head.

Moving closer to Damian, Marinette deepens the kiss. But all to soon both their lungs were burning with the need for oxygen. They pulled away panting, leaning their foreheads against each other. Smiling Marinette closed her eyes, wishing the moment to never end.

That was the start of a new journey for Marinette. She finally got the chance to move on like all of her former friends.

Days lead up to weeks... lead up to months... lead up to years. Everyday with Damian came with many memories. Sure there were some bumps in the road but by the time they stood on that same cliff exchanging their 'I do's' Marinette knew he was the only one for her. Her other half. Her yin to her yang. Her light to her dark. Her creation to destruction. Her soulmate. And she couldn't wait to create more memories with him.


A/N - OK.. THIS WAS SOO GOOD! OMG I'm in love. YESSSS we love Daminette.

Okay you guys asked for a part 2 so I made one and i seriously love how it turned out. :)))) HOPE YOU ENJOYED

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