I love you

582 29 4

Part 41

And by run i mean jog to the water otherwise Tammy would be being dragged behind at your speed.

You grab her shoulders and sit her down on the bench and kneel in-front of her holding her face and looming into her eyes.

Y/n - "Tammy. I have been thinking and reflecting and it has come to my attention that there is something that I need to let you know before I explode."

Tammy - "Okay what is it-"

Y/n - "I love you."

She's silent.

Y/n - "I do. I love you with all my heart and it hurts to be away from you for one second. The thought of you never leaves my mind and I feel at home when I'm in your arms. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so grateful for you everyday... I love you Tammy."

She smiles through tears eyes and kisses you.

Tammy - "I love you too y/n Weil."

You laugh and join her on the bench with your head on her shoulder looking at the water.

After a while you both head back inside in Tammy's arms. Once inside you see Debbie and Lou are downstairs with Rose who looks worried. You crouch down to her and ask her what's wrong.

Y/n - "Hey Rose what's up?"

Rose - "You."

Y/n - "Me? What?"

Rose - "Lou told me."

Y/n - "Told you what?"

You get up and stand next to Tammy as Rose seems very much annoyed and concerned.

Rose - "About you getting drunk at house parties and experimenting with girls while I was gone."

Y/n - "Wait a minute? So you're mad at me for the parties, drinking or sleeping with women part?"

Rose then gets up and grabs your arm annoyed by your comment and sarcasm and takes you into the office.

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