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Part 28

Y/n - "Thank god for that I was so worried you were sleeping with Lou and Debbie or something!"

Roses eyes widen and she laughs.
Rose - "Nah I'm not into the stuff they're into."

Your eyes widen and you laugh with her. But deep down you're not surprised.

Then you both get up to head back downstairs. But before you get out the door you remember something.

Y/n - "Wait Rose what do I tell Tammy though she heard you guys too."

Rose - "Oh shit umm uhh-"

She looks as stuck for an answer as you are but then you figure it out.

Y/n - "Okay wait I got it. I'll just not say anything unless she asks and when she does I'll umm say it was just you, alone.

Rose - "Oh god great cheers for that."

She nudges you and you nudge her back laughing and you head downstairs chatting.

Tammy looks concerned still surrounded by Debbie and Lou so you just go up to her and kiss her.

Debbie and Lou leave you both smiling at each other with wide eyes and go to Rose. Then you pull away from Tammy as she grabs your face looking confused and concerned still.

Y/n - "I'm okay hunny don't worry. I just needed a talk with my sister but I'm good now honest."

She hugs you tightly and you both join the others. You're sat and Tammy is behind you with her arms around your waist and head on your neck. You smile slightly and then join in the conversation.

They have decided we are going to Lous club later on with the other girls for a catch up.

You get exited and after ordering lunch and eating it you're all thinking of what you're gonna wear.

Then Tammy comes behind you and whispers in your ear.

Tammy - "Come upstairs in 5 minutes. I've got a surprise for you."

You smile and she bites your ear slightly before heading upstairs.

You're trying to contain your excitement but you're face has gone bright red so you look down running your hands through your hair.

Lous noticed though and winks at you smiling.
After Rose confirmed what Lou likes, what does she know that you don't...

You head upstairs and see a note on the door. You read it stating.

As you're staring at this door, you have no idea what's about to happen to you.

You're confused and go to turn to look around the room when you're pinned to the door.

Hey angels what could be happening next? ;)

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