The park

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Part 9

Suddenly she stops and walks to a park. There's a huge open patch of grass next to a tree with a wooden bench to it's side.

You expect her to sit on the bench yet to your surprise she lies on the grass. You join her and just lie there in silence.

You start feeling like it's been so long in silence that you're almost sick of it. You're never sick of it... You love silence. You found being alone, somehow comforting. Safe almost. Like nothing could ever go wrong and no one could be hurt.

But this silence was different...You want to speak. You want to talk but you're just stumped on what to say. Normally this want and comfort in speaking is only around Rose. Probably because you know her so well. I mean she is your sister. The only family you really had as you weren't close to any other and well your father is best not thought about.

But for some reason you want to speak to her.
You just feel comfortable with her, sort of safe. You've never had this feeling with someone you barely know before. Like you could trust her with everything you have.

Tammy - "Funny thing silence."

You just turn to look at her as she's broken the silence.

Tammy - "You think of it as nothing but yet its still there. You think of it as peaceful yet a mind can make it anything but that. It can make it even louder."

You're just staring at her and she smiles slightly and turns to face you.

Tammy - "We used to go out for meals, me and my family. From a young age it was always so important to see my parents relations, or friends. I never really understood as I didn't really know much of them but I guess it was to show them how much we had grown since they last saw us as that's all they ever mentioned."

You giggle and she does too before continuing.

Tammy - "I never liked talking to them. I would just sit there and make small talk now and then when they asked me questions. My other siblings were very talkative so I guess they just saw my silence as rudeness. After, we would go back home and on the car ride all I would hear was; why couldn't you be more like my siblings. Be more talkative and what was wrong with you. That I was an embarrassment and made the people think I was told something of them by my parents that wasn't nice and was judging them."

You grab her hand and she takes an breath and carries on.

Tammy - "They never really thought that it could be anxiety or anything, just as shyness they were ashamed of. I was the same at school. I had little friends and would always go off to somewhere away from everyone at breaks and stuff. It was only once I met Debbie in my 20s where I started to gain some confidence in myself. But you already know that so I'm gonna stop talking now."

You were stuck looking into each others eyes with so much feeling behind them and then she looks away at the end of her sentence.
You know she's holding back so you squeeze her hand and she looks back at you

Y/n - "But how did you get so confident though? Like I honestly have no clue where to even start."

She gives you a vulnerable look and you smile to reassure her and she carries on.

Hi angels I'm still figuring out this story so bare with me <3

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