The park part 2

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Part 10

Tammy - "I was sitting at a bar alone and some man came up to the bar to order a drink. Then all of a sudden this woman came up the other side of him and started to order a drink too. Once the person told her the amount she started to stumble through her bag looking for money but the man insisted on paying and he took his drink and left watching her. She noticed me listening and came up to me. She asked me what I was doing there and I told her that I just needed to find somewhere to be that night and ended up there. She downed her drink and took me outside. She took me to a park by a tree with a little wooden bench beside it. We lay down and talked about ourselves. It's the first person I had really opened up to fully and was actually shocked how much I opened up. We exchanged numbers and I saw her most days after that.
But with it being Debbie I no doubt got into the schemes and before I knew it I was the confident women making men buy me drinks at bars. It took some time for sure but being with her it was a lot more easier to be comfortable around other people. We were a good team and I truly loved her. She was my best friend. But then she met another woman-"

Y/n - "Lou?"

Tammy - "Yeah Lou and they started getting into bigger schemes. I stayed for a bit and got connections and was a pretty successful fence for a bit. But after a while I just felt like I didn't belong there anymore. I had such a life I would think about as a young girl. A perfect life with a perfect husband and children, in a beautiful house, you get the idea. I suddenly didn't have the same fire to scheme anymore so I moved away and left Debbie with Lou. I wanted a clean slate. I was down for a bit after that and kept to myself. Eventually I did meet my now husband and it all happened very fast. I don't know if it was because i was so down and that one ounce of light... I just grabbed onto it to lead me to safety. Or if my mind just knew what the future would look like if I took the opportunity. That I would get my fairytale ending. I dont know... and before I knew it I had kids and Debbie was in prison. I told myself I made the right decision to stray away but she stayed in my head everyday."

You sit in silence looking at Tammy whose rolled back onto her back and closed her eyes. You roll back too and say.

Y/n - "I guess we have a lot more in common that I thought we did?"

She laughs slightly and we get up and start to walk back to the others.
By the time we get back it's around 7pm and the guys are all staring at us walking in.

Rose - "Oh y/n thank god you're okay I thought you guys had got hurt getting lunch I was scared shitless."

She's hugging you and Tammy was just stood there awkwardly next to you. You pull her away and look at her.

Y/n - "Rose Im okay. I'm sorry if I worried you we just got food and sat in the park for a bit."

Rose - "What park?"

Y/n - "Oh I don't know it was small. Just some grass, a tree with a bench next to it Umm..."

Rose rolls her eyes and grabs your hand. You notice out the corner of your eye Debbie looking at Tammy and her looking back; but you're gone before you can see what happened.

You're in roses room and she sits you down on her bed.

Y/n - "What's up why am I up here?"

Rose - "Oh so now you actually want to leave the room. Well that's a new one from you."

You roll your eyes and she takes a deep breath.

Rose - "I'm sorry okay. I was just worried about you. I know your not the best speaker and I just hate the thought of you being stuck somewhere unable to talk your way out of it I-"

Y/n - "I think I'm getting better at it."

She looks at you confused.

Y/n - "Well I mean I'm not cured or anything I don't think that's how it works but I do feel a lot less anxious here now. I guess it just feels a little more homely and that I can trust everyone more."

Rose - "Ah y/n that's so great to hear! You're such an amazing woman and you should never deprive the world of seeing yourself okay."

You smile and hug her.

Rose - "Okay let's go ask the others what we are gonna eat for dinner."

You both get up and go downstairs. Everyone is there but Tammy and Debbie. You start to get worried and Lou notices.

Hey angels i am falling in love with this story the more I write it and hope you're all enjoying it too! <3

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