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Part 16

You're lost in it at first and it's so addictive to stay but you remember what's happening and pull her away.

Y/n - "Woah wait Tammy you're upset and I don't want to seem like I'm taking advantage of that or anything so I think we should stop."

She is sad for a second but understands and goes back to lying down facing the ceiling.

You sit there for a good 5 minutes and then you just can't stand the silence anymore.

Y/n - "Look Tammy Im sorry if i offended you or anything I just-"

Tammy - "It's okay. I shouldn't have done it. Not now anyway. I'm just so all over the place and I honestly appreciate your kindness. It's cute."

Y/n - "Aww come here."

You hug her again and then she sighs.

Tammy - "Okay... it's Debbie."

Y/n - "Okay... What about her exactly?"

Tammy - "Last night to me is just such a blur that I woke up this morning and just couldn't take it and started to cry. You're the only one I trust to speak to right now so I guess my mind took over my body and I'm here."

Y/n - "It's okay Tammy! I honestly think you don't have much to worry about anymore. I think you just need to meet her today and have a final chat and it's done. Now you've bonded again and spoken your hearts yesterday I think if anything that's a good thing."

Tammy - "Yes but i just feel like it achieved nothing. Like yeah we spoke and stuff and at one point bonded well but we still aren't at the point to being fully okay like before so-"

Y/n - "Tammy."

Tammy - "Yeah... what? What's up sweetie?"

Y/n - "i feel like if I don't tell you myself it may look bad on me for not mentioning it so umm."

Tammy - "What? What do you mean y/n?"

Y/n - "You know when I said good night to you last night."

Tammy - "Yeah."

Y/n - "Well umm. I didn't end up here straight away. I umm went downstairs for a drink and Debbie and Lou appeared."

Tammy's face doesn't even move. She's just waiting to hear what else happened for her to be told about it.

Y/n - "Well like you, Debbie was upset still and they asked to speak to me. They said they knew I knew about you guys past and they just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Debbie looked scared on what exactly you had said and to avoid more distress I told her."

Tammy - "Wait okay so what did you tell her exactly?"

Hey angels I hope you're day is going well and if you need anyone to talk to at any point my messages are always open <3

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