The club

511 27 2

Part 31

You walk to the club walking next to Rose and Lou.

When you get closer Lou links onto your arm.

Lou - "Hey you doing okay?"

You look at her and nod.

Lou - "Sounded like you had a good time."

You roll your eyes and she shakes her arm linked to you making you shake with it.

Once you get there Lou says hi to the bouncers introducing you and you head inside to a private booth Lou reserved for you all.

Constance is off with nine getting shots and Lou is talking to staff with Debbie so it's just you with Tammy, Rose, Amita and Daphne.
Daphne is talking to Tammy about tips her friend who's got a kid told her about while Amita listens, and Rose is talking to you while holding your hand to make you feel more comfortable.

Rose - "You feeling okay now sweetheart?"

Y/n - "I think so."

She squeezes your hand and is about to say something when Constance and Nine come back with a tray full of shots.

Nine - "Hey ladies come on let's get our party on."

Constance - "Shots!"

Lou and Debbie hear and make their way over and you all grab a shot.

Daphne - "To having fun, making memories and enjoying tonight!"

You all cheers and take to shot.

You don't make a face from the alcohol and you've never drunk with Rose before so she's shocked and staring at you after making a face herself.

You don't notice tho and look up to see Lou who also noticed.

You look down confused on why they are looking at you and Constance chimes in.

Constance - "Damn y/n another?"

You look at her and she hands you another and you cheers with her shotting it.

You make no face again and they all laugh before continuing into separate groups chatting.

Rose - "Since when did you drink?"

Y/n - "I don't much. I'm just good at shots I guess."

She still looks confused and concerned but you turn away.

Lou - "Hey y/n come with me let's get you a drink."

You get up and she wraps her arm around yours taking you to the barman.

Hey angels as I've been writing I've realised this is a small part so I've uploaded the next part too :)
I hope that's okay with you all! <3

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