Can we just talk.

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Part 32

Lou - "Right what do you like?"

Y/n - "Have you got anything with a lot of vodka in it?"

She looks at you raising her eyebrows and the barman starts making something.

He hands it to you and you both try it. Lou chokes slightly at how strong it is but you like it.

She laughs at you taking another sip and you thank him after Lou gets a drink too and you walk away.

Lou - "Hey you sure you're good? You're drinking quite a lot hunny."

Y/n - "Oh yeah I'm fine just need to get pissed really."

She laughs and you join the others again.

When you're drunk you're slightly more confident so you're more talkative now.

Rose tries your drink and chokes too.

Rose - "Woah hunny I think you need to slow down a bit."

Y/n - "No Rose Im good honestly."

You end up sat with Lou, Debbie and Tammy as Rose leaves with Daphne somewhere.

Now you're going to have to talk to her but thankfully you're a lot more confident now.

Debbie - "So girls how was the present?"

Tammy is silent but you talk catching her off guard.

Y/n - "Yeah it was really good thanks."

She smiles at you but Lou next to her knows somethings up so she takes Debbie away so you two can talk.

You're sat in silence until Tammy speaks after taking a shot.

Tammy - "Right look. I know I fucked up okay. I shouldn't have said that I loved you. Not yet anyway as we agreed to work on gaining trust and I'm sorry if I-"

You stop her by kissing her. She pulls away as she can feel tears on your face.

Tammy - "Hey hey hunny don't cry."

Y/n - "Im sorry i just."

Tammy- "You just what baby?"

Y/n - "I feel like I've let you down and made it awkward and I didn't mean to I just got scared. I've never had any type of relationship like this before and like I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't and I don't want to say something that important and mislead you or anything. They always say you know when you know but I'm still not confident in myself right now and-"

She stops hugging you tightly.

Tammy - "Look at me. It's okay not to say anything and don't feel bad for not okay. We're here to enjoy ourselves and you've had some stuff to drink so let's just have a good night yeah?"

Y/n - "okay but Im not done drinking yet no way give me half an hour and we're doing shots."

She laughs and you kiss her before dragging her up to the dance floor.

Hey angels I just wanted to say that I'm currently working out a new idea for a story with this cast. I've written some of it already so if anyone may be interested just let me know and I'll upload a summary thingy and the cover so you can see what it's about :)

The road to FreedomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ