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Part 12

You laugh slightly and she smiles winking at you before finding it and calling them making the order.

She leaves you in the room with the others while she pops into ask Tammy and Debbie what they want and she's out quickly after ending the call.

She then comes over to you guys asking what you're talking about. You're stuck there thinking of all of the things that already have and just went on in that room. But you realise you can't for too long as the others would get suspicious and by others you mean Rose.

You chat for a bit and then the food comes. Lou is busy getting it out of the bags and turns to you.

Lou - "Hey can you go tell them it's ready?"

You look at her and she rolls her eyes.

Lou - "Just go and say their food is here. They aren't gonna bite your arm off I promise."

You then roll your eyes and she laughs nudging your arm. You go towards the door with a million thoughts in your head at once and then it happens.

You've open the door. Sat there in-front of you is Tammy with her face covered in tears and Debbie the same, facing each other with their heads together.

Y/n - "Oh sorry I'll go I just wanted to say your food is here."

Debbie - "It's okay. Could you bring it here if that's no bother?"

You answer making eye contact with Tammy.
Y/n - "Oh yeah sure I'll go get it now."

Your still stood there for what feels like a lifetime staring into her eyes. They are red and glistening slightly with tears but they are still such beautiful eyes.

You then snap back into reality and turn around closing the door and walk towards Lou again.

Lou - "See. Wasn't that hard was it?"

You know she can see your brain thinking rapidly but you don't care anymore.

Y/n - "Umm yeah. They want us to bring it to them."

Lou - "Oh okay. Umm do you want me to do it?"

You nod and she winks smiling grabbing the food and leaving toward the door. She is in there for what seems like two seconds and is back opening hers, starting to eat next to you.

Rose is sat with the others in deep conversation so she is oblivious to what you're doing.

You're slightly unaware that you're staring at her so obviously and then you snap back into reality when she starts talking.

Lou - "Hey eat your food before it gets cold. I'm only a meal for your eyes not you're stomach."

You roll your eyes smiling and she looks proud of her comment and carries on eating.

Once everyone is done eating you take the rubbish outside. That's when you hear fast breathing from around the corner. You walk around the see what it is and then start to run.

Hey angels I hope you're day is going well <3

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