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Part 26

That night you stayed up talking about yourselves. Although you knew much of Tammy already, she still had so much to speak about. You didn't speak much and kept the conversation on her as your past is best kept away. You end up falling asleep in each others arms and then you're woken by noises.

You go to turn to Tammy and she's looking at you just as confused.

You both get up and go to see where it's coming from and to your surprise it's Tammy's room. Then it hit you and you grab Tammy's hand and pull her back to your room.

You close the door and as Tammy's about to speak you push her up against the door kissing her to stop her.

Y/n - "Shh come on!"

You take her back to bed and put your arm around her.

Tammy - "Come on baby please tell me why you pulled us away like that what happened?"

Y/n - "It's okay baby I just think there was something going on we shouldn't be listening to."

Tammy - "What with Rose?"

You look down smiling and she tickles you to get you to answer.

Y/n - "Ahh stop it! Okay stop please!"

Tammy - "Okay I'll stop... Damn Rose in my bed!"

You laugh and she nudges you.

Y/n - "Hey you did it to her first you know! She's only returning the gesture."

She smiles rolling her eyes and she grabs you rolling you over to your side of the bed as you both giggle.

She starts to kiss your neck as you moan but then you realise something and stop reacting and just look up thinking.

Tammy stops once she notices.

Tammy - "Hey hey what's up?"

Y/n - "If Rose is doing that then is she alone or with someone?"

Tammy - "Oh shit yeah I didn't even think about that. I mean knowing Lou and Debbie they would be up for it."

Your eyes widen and you make a disgust face and she laughs hugging you.

You both end up falling asleep as she runs her hands through your hair to soothe you and then it's the morning.

You and Tammy get up and Tammy puts on the clothes she left in the room the day before. You head out and find everyone chilling. Rose is laughing with Lou, and Debbie is making food.

You look at Tammy and she looks back at you just as confused.

You're eating breakfast like normal. Everyone is talking and laughing and you just stick to talking to Tammy now and then and stay quiet eating.

Rose notices sat opposite you and nudges your knee to look up at her.

You smile at her but she's not having it.

Rose - "Y/n? Y/n look at me. For gods sake!"

She gets up grabbing your arm and pulling you upstairs away from everyone.

Tammy gets up to go after you but Lou and Debbie grab her arms to pull her back.

Lou - "Hey, Tam leave it."

Debbie - "Yeah stay here. She'll be fine."

Hey angels I'm not gonna lie Tammy and y/n are so cute in this !🥺

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