Tell you something

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Part 22


You say bye to Rose and sit down next to her in silence.

Y/n - "I drew it after I spoke to you that one night in these very chairs. I was just so relieved I had found someone to lean on here apart from Rose that I was just overwhelmed and my mind could only think of you. It's been doing it non stop since actually which isn't helpful especially as there's so much happening with Debbie and Lou and you fainting. That night you just. You just took over my mind and so I drew it. I drew you. Your beauty and confidence. Your kind heart... Look I don't care if you like the drawing or not I just-"

She smiles and kisses you. You kiss her back and then you hear a cheer.

You both look up to see Lou, Rose and Debbie looking exited.

Rose - "Ah I'm so happy for you both!"

Lou - "Damn I missed out again!"

Debbie - "Well done Tam Tam!"

You look at Tammy and she sees you're happy but slightly scared so she hugs you. Rose also notices and stops.

Rose - "Oh shit sorry wait guys go go!"

They leave and Tammy strokes your hair.

Tammy - "Look I can go tell them it's not what it looks like and I kissed you! I can say it's about the drawing and how I was so overwhelmed that I just wasn't thinking-"

Y/n - "it's okay..."

Tammy is just sat there silent as you snuggle her.

Y/n - "I can't believe my first time meeting you. I looked like a right dick."

You laugh slightly and hide your eyes with your hands. She laughs slightly too but gets serious.

Tammy - "Hey hey no you didn't. You actually looked amazing. I was so shocked it took me a while to snap back into reality and get you my towel."

You laugh and she does too before removing your hands from your eyes.

Tammy - "Baby look at me. Talking to Rose made me realise that I really need to tell you something."

You sit up a bit confused what she's gonna say.

Tammy - "Y/n. I umm... I don't know how to tell you this because I don't think I've even really been able to process it myself because of the kids but..."

Y/n - "Baby if you're not ready it's okay."

Tammy - "No umm I want to say it."

Y/n - "Okay. Whenever you're ready gorgeous I'm here."

Tammy - "My husband... I'm not with him anymore. We got a divorce and -"

You can tell Tammy isn't okay and you grab her, holding her tight. She starts crying and you just comfort her.

You can hear the others talking and you know it's minutes before they come in so you grab Tammy's arms and help her upstairs to your room.

Y/n - "Okay baby come on let me get you comfy."

You close the door and join her in the bed as she lies on your chest.

Hey angels! I'm so happy so many people are reading this story. Thank you so so much for all of the support so far I'm so so thankful! <3

The road to FreedomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora