The final confrontation

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Comrade!" he responds. He quickly drives us there, it's just across the river.

Inside it is just as I thought. Somehow Perseus agents got in and have killed everyone they saw. "They will be going for Andropov, no doubt." Portnova says and we run to save him.

He can't die. Our nation needs him.

As we approach the door to his office, we encounter the group of terrorist and I recognize one of them.


"Traitor!" he yells and starts shooting. We take cover behind the pillars at the die of the hallway. "You will die here, and the Soviet Union with it!"

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you, you sick fuck!" I yell back at him.

"That makes two of us." he responds and continues to shoot. Vargas makes a Molotov cocktail and throws it, setting our enemies on fire. Now vulnerable, we kill them all.

"Huh... that was less climatic than I thought." I mutter but a painful moan causes me to look towards the right. Portnova is seemingly wounded, holding her stomach in pain! "Stray bullet got me." she says

"You are wounded."

"I'll be fine. Save Andropov!" she orders us, holding her stomach and leaning against the wall.

And there he is, holding a gun at Andropovs head: Perseus. Finally


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"Ah... Leon. I am glad you were able to join me on this special day." he says. We all point our guns at him but we are careful not to make a wrong move or our leader is dead.

"Perseus." I clench between my teeth. "Looks like the rat was tired of hiding."

"You have caused me a lot of trouble, I'll give you that. But in a few moment it doesn't matter anymore. Comrade Andropov here will be kindly handing out the nuclear launch codes to me."

"The hell I will." Andropov calls him out and gets hit with the gun as a result and it look like it wasn't the first time he was hit by him.

"You are making a mistake, Perseus. Just give up, there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide for you anymore."

He laughs. "YOU are the one who is making the mistake. You lack the strength to do what needs to be done."

"You're mad!"

"Just kill him, don't worry about me!" Andropov says.

"Don't you want to rebuild and shape the world as you wish?" Perseus tries to tempt me and offer me his free hand. "You can still rejoin me. I could use someone like you in this new world."

"You're forget the most important thing: You can't rebuild anything if there is nothing but ashes."


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