Perseus strikes

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"Nice to see you still care. Mind giving me a light?" Adler asks while he's bleeding out on the floor looking up to me. Without remorse, I raise my AK and put a bullet in his head.

"No hesitation. I always loved that about you." The Soviet Soldier behind me remarks.

I turn to him and spit on the floor. "These bastards stole my life. Death is more than they deserve."

The Soldier nods and removes his mask. It's Perseus. "You remember my face, don't you?"

I salute him. "Of course, Comrade. I'm happy to be back where I belong."

Perseus smiles and takes out a mobile phone and speaks into it . "Solovetsky. Stand by for the detonation order."

"Yes, Sir." says the soldier on the other end of the line.

Perseus puts and hand on my shoulder and gives me the phone. "I believe you deserve this moment, Comrade."

I take the phone from him, a thousand thoughts raging in my mind. "If I do this, millions of innocent people are going to die."

He nods. "And if you don't, our motherland will sooner or later fall to the capitalists. Is that what you want? Yes, millions of people will die, but their deaths will not be in vain. They will pave the way for Soviet dominance over the globe. We will usher in a new era for humanity. One of true freedom, justice and solidarity."

A part of me was screaming on the inside. That he was just using me for his personal gain and only saying these words to appeal to me. But I chose to ignore these voices and I say the sentence that would change the course of history for the better.

"Let the new Soviet era begin. Detonate the nukes."

Bumm! Bumm!

The bombs go off in the distance. Wait a minute... why are they so close?


Leon Ivanov, KGB

[REDACTED], Afghanistan

July 14, 1981

Another giant explosion causes me to wake up and I fall out of my bunk, landing right on my bruised chest. That hurts A LOT! The others jolt awake and before anyone can ask what's going on, a soldier sticks his head inside the tent. "We're under attack! Grab your weapons and take up defensive positions!"

Now I hear the mortar fire outside again. We all put on our gear as quickly as possible and grab our weapons before storming out.

The camp is in total chaos as all soldiers are taking up positions in the towers, on the walls, MG-Posts and in the foxholes outside the camp.

We find the colonel, shouting orders and organizing the defence. He might be old, but he certainly still has a sharp mind. We run over to him. "What's going on?" Portnova asks.

"The Bandits are attacking with mortars and cavalary. Just skirmishes so far, but I believe they launch a massive attack." He points to Garcia and Beck. "You two get up on the wall and provide covering fire. The rest of you jump into one of these trenches get ready."

"Yes, Sir." We say in unsion and do as he says. Sergeant Woltschak and three other soldiers are in one of the foxholes and we decide to join them.

"Lovely day for a battle, Comrades." He jokes, but I can see how nervous he is. We take cover as another mortar shell explodes nearby, sending sand and dust through the air.

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