Ch.10~ The Promise

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"Break up with him."

"Excuse me..."

Armoni hadn't even been awake for 24 hours. The crew, along with Andre and Armoni's mother had left the hospital for food- thinking that Aunt Nicole left...she had been hiding in the bathroom.

Armoni's POV

Was she serious?

I haven't even been fully conscious for minute and she-

"HE has goals. Big ones. HE has a bright future. You would only prohibit that."

"Are you saying that I don't?!"


He got in!

That was his dream school!

Part of me was so proud of Andre....but he really let his grades fall for a week.....for me


"If it wasn't for your little date, he wouldn't have gotten in the accident in the first place."

Her face grew stern as I took a breath, my chest heavy as ever. She's right...if we stayed with the group maybe we wouldn't have gotten in the wreck...

"And now he's talking about not even going to Julliard and following you to some HBCU because he doesn't the both of you to be apart....don't you see what you've done?"

Is this all really my fault?

I feel tears welling up in the corner of my eyes but I suck then in. I won't allow her to see me cry. I refuse to.

"I hope we have a understanding......he deserves someone better...a girl that will help him accomplish his dreams."

I nodded, feeling defeated. 

"You're a distraction."


"If you don't break up with him. I will make his life a living hell. Community College will be his ultimate destination-I won't allow him to enter the music industry like he wishes....don't YOU want him to succeed? Don't YOU want him to be great? If you don't follow my instructions I will once again make his grandmother a burden in his life."

This evil b***.....


"Yes ma'am....."

"Yo Moni!", Andre's voice rang through the hospital hallway, making his aunt quickly walk out of the door and disappear into a nearby crowd of doctors and nurses. 

"Hey Baby....", my voice cracked, causing Andre's energy to change as he closed the door behind him, a bag of food in his hand. 

"What's wrong....?"

"Jesus...", I whispered to myself as he came closer to me, placing the food on a nearby dresser before sitting next to me on the edge of the bed."I think.....we should break up."

"Woah-woah, Armoni what?!"

"You didn't tell me you got into Julliard.....You've been letting your grades slip and-"

"Forget all that.", Andre furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. "Why do we have to leave each other..."

"Andre I distract you- I can't interfere with your future-"

"My aunt came in here didn't she?", Andre looked me in my eyes, looking slightly pissed. 


He shook his head,"Armoni we don't have to listen to her."



I took a breath,"She said she'd leave you with your grandma and attempt to ruin your career if we stayed together....."

"Oh...Baby I don't c-"

"I DO!"

I cupped the braided haired boy's cheek, feeling tears began to fall down my face. "Love....I want you to succeed. You're so talented...You deserve so much....we'll meet again..."

"No- No Armoni!", the boy began to cry as well, his hands shaking as he took my palms, pressing both of them against his face. 

"Andre...I love you..."

"I love you too...", our cries began to grow in unison as he pulled me into his arms. My heart feeling torn. 

"I don't want to let you go..", he whispered into my braided hair as he lightly stroked it.

"I promise ....we'll meet the end, my heart will lie with you." 

Andre's body began to shake with emotion as he held me tighter, careful not to harm my injured body."Armoni I can't do this....girl you got my heart..."

"And you have mine....", I pulled away from him, feeling like a part of myself was floating away."Just promise me this..."


"You won't get married....let life bring us back to each other."

He gave me a final, lingering, kiss to the forehead,"I promise."


"Jade! I can't believe you're really due to have twins in a week!"

The now, brunette, formerly alt girl shook her head with laughter,"Believe it!"

She might have changed her image, but she was still the same Jade I had always known and loved. I gave her a small laugh before looking at my phone, reading a email that my agent sent me about a new dance gig. Apparently, I've been asked to dance in some famous artist's video.


"What?", I asked, still observing the email. 

"You're not gonna believe this....", she grabbed the remote, lying on the coffee table of her apartment. Looking up at the TV, my heart immediately drops. A Entertainment Tomorrow News Anchor smiles, red lipstick covering her lips as she delivers the worst news I've heard in a long time. 

"Latest Hot Celebrity News! We are delighted to announce the upcoming Wedding of hit superstar Andre Johnson and his now- fiancé , Camila Anderson!"

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