Ch. 9 ~ A Countdown To Your Love

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Armoni's POV (After Andre Sung "Here's 2 Us")

"Awww come here!", I pulled Andre into a big hug, feeling tears fall down my face. 

Seeing my dramatic and emotional state, my boyfriend wiped the wetness from my cheeks. 

"Babyyyy....why you crying ?" 

"Dre-", I buried my head in his shoulder, earning an "awe" from the crowd around us. The boy wrapped his arms around me as I continued to cry. Feeling overwhelmed by happy emotions. 

"T-that was so s-s-sweet, Andre. Thank you s-so much."

"You're welcome, Armoni. You don't deserve anything less than the biggest demonstrations of my l**e."


"Don't worry about it baby.", he kissed me on the forehead once more before placing his lips on mine, earning a few whistles from the people nearby."The uber's outside."

We waved at the driver before entering the car. He was a tall white man with a bright blue beard- his appearance seemed highly artsy if anything else. My phone began to ring once we sat down in the back of the vehicle. 

It was Jade, I answered and she appeared on the screen with a highly concerned expression.

"Where ar- y'all?", she was breaking up terribly as she glitched on the other side of the screen.

"In the uber, leaving the beach, sorry I couldn't text. The service is really bad here."

"Huh?", the gothic girl's face filled the screen as she pulled the phone closer to her face, attempting to hear me better.

"Jade, can you hear me?"


"Wait is he texting?", I noticed Andre peering towards the drivers seat before his voice grew into a yell"...SIR PAY ATTENTION"

"Woah- ahh!!!!!",The car swerved and began to spin violently. Andre began hold me as my fear grew higher.

"OH CRAP! Baby ,I got you."

"Andre!", I heard myself scream as I felt my body being yanked from his grasp, orange and purple spots clouding my vision as a large pain covered my head. 

"A-Andre....a-a-andre...", my voice seemed to have a mind of its own as I began to grow into a haze. My lips their own author as a soft cry grew from my lips, only stating the name of the boy that had my heart. 

I felt a pain in my chest as my breaths grew short, making my throat feel almost closed. 


"Patient injured!! Get her to the emergency room stat!"

N-no...make sure he's okay...forget me...I just want him to be okay...


"What's your name sweetie?"

"Jade friend is in here.."

"Sorry, honey, only fami-"


"Jade-", Beck grabbed Jade's arm, trying 


"Miss West...."

Sinjin grinned on the other end of the desk , a doctor's uniform plastered over his body. 

Cocoa Butter Kisses (ANDRE) ~ A Victorious Fan FicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ