Ch.6 ~ Throw It!

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"Wow.", Jade sits on her dorm room bed, lying across from mine. "I'm flattered and all but no- I've never felt that way about Andre."

"I know....I didn't think you did.", I take a deep breath. "Jade I just don't know what to do....I'm just so-"

"Angry?", she states, raising her brow as a big smirk filled her face.

"Yeah...I am."

"Come on."

The dark haired girl grabbed my hand, yanking me from off of my behind. Jade led me to the door and into the hallway. Her grip remained on my hand as we made our way to Cat's room next door.

"CAT!", The alt dressed girl aggressively banged on Caterina's door, yelling loudly. If Jade was anyone else but herself I'm sure that our room would've received several noise complaints a long time ago, however because majority of the student body knew of Jade's boisterous personality, no one dared going to the den mother on us.

"Yes?", Cat opened the door, a large sweatshirt swamping her body.

"Come on sweetheart, we're about to help Armoni feel better."



"Jade just where are we-"

"I SAID STOP TALKING.", Jade shot me eyes daggers as she continued to keep the car on the road. "You'll see when we get there, Armoni."

"Yay!", Cat squealed, "A surprise!"

Slumping in my seat, I began to stare out of the window. Where could Jade possibly be taking me that would get me out of my funk?


My phone rang as it vibrated on my thigh, I looked over to see who the text notification was from but Jade quickly snatched the phone from me, throwing it to Cat who sat in the back seat before swerving into another lane.


"You know who it was and you won't answer."

"But Jade!", I protest.





The dark haired girl raises a brow at me before we both burst into laughter.

"See! Now you're acting like yourself!"

Jade and I's relationship was a special one. It was built upon fake fights and constant complaining about the things that we hated. Unless Beck was nearby, I was usually the other person who could make the wild acting girl calm down. I honestly admired Jade in so many ways. She was her own person. She didn't attempt to fit inside of any box. Also, regardless of the situation sis was going to speak her mind!

"We're here." The car was stopped in the middle of a rage room parking lot. "Prepare to rage!"

She pulled a large, poster sized picture of Andre out of her car's hatch.

"Where did you-"

"Sinjin took some cast pictures last week and loaned me an extra."

We entered the building and rented out a room. After putting on the rage suits and googles, Jade attached the boy's picture to a nearby wall and smiled at me.

"Go get him tig-"


I pick up a brick and throw it at his photo, allowing all of my emotions to be released. It places a hole in the top of the picture.


"HOW DARE YOU-AHHH!", I throw an ax at the picture with all of my might."THEN YOU WANNA FLIP THE SCRIPT ON ME?" The ax sticks itself in the middle of the boy's face.

"GET HIM MONI!", Cat screams, encouraging me as I pick up a glass bottle.

"Look into the camera Moni! This one is for the group chat!", Jade smiles as I see the flash of the phone shining on my face, "ANDRE JOHNSON! THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!"

Screaming louder than ever, I throw the glass bottle into the poster, the shards now ripping the photo completely. Breathing hard, I feel a smile come across my lips as Jade pulls me into a hug.

"You feel better?"

"More than anything!"

"Wait, wait!", Cat squeals as she throws a glass bottle into the air, it crashing down loudly behind her. "HUG CIRCLE!"

The redhead joins the embrace, my heart now filling fuller than ever.

"I love you guys."

"Yeah, Yeah.", Jade says sarcastically, giving me a smile smile. "Let's go to Karaoke Dokie!"


"Well you know you have nothing to worry about", Beck reassured Andre," There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Moni."

"I know..I know dude. I tried texting her...she didn't answer.", Andre shook his head in frustration. He knew that he messed up bad. Beck took a seat in his computer chair, taking a swig from a bottle of soda,"Well just give her some time. It'll all blow over."





"That's messed up", Rex uttered.

Andre turned to face his friend, "What Robbie...?" The nerdy boy pushed up his glasses before removing his headphones from his ears.

"Check the groupchat."

Beck reached for his phone, cutting the volume to its maximum level.

"Look into the camera Moni! This one is for the group chat!"


"Woah-", Andre bucked his eyes widely.

"Hath no fury like a woman scorned.", Robbie quoted.

"Lord Bless tomorrow's rehearsal."

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