Ch.7 ~ No Noodles

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"Now let's practice this confession scene! Andre ! Armoni! "

I took a deep breath. I hadn't spoken to Andre since the other day. I've ignored every text and call he's sent me. He even tried to sit next to me during lunch today but I simply acted as if he didn't exist and kept my attention on Jade and the rest of our friends.

I left my seat and walked towards the stage. Andre quickly began to walk towards me but I tried to walk past him,yet the boy grabbed my arm and pulled me into a nearby corner.

"Can we talk after practice, please?", a look of sincerity flashed across his face,"I don't like being like this with you, Armoni..."

"And I don't like the fact that I was your second option..."

Shaking my head I take a step towards the stage before looking back at Andre. Part of me felt bad...he was trying to resolve the issue- yet the other half of me just didn't care.



I whipped my head around to face the braided haired boy with an irritated frown sprawled across my face. Sikowitz gave us a confused expression before leaning back in his chair, examining the emotional scene in front of him.

"Armoni I don't know what else to won't talk to me...Baby I really wanna fix this!"

The boy gets on his knees as his eyes began to turn glossy. "Yes, I liked Jade...but it was just a phase. Armoni I've been crushing on you since the day you asked me for the directions to the school's lunchroom back when we were freshmen. Y-You You had your hair in this big puff and you still had those b-blue banded braces in your teeth..."

The musician shakes his head at himself before reaching to grab my hand gently,"Moni baby, you've always been my first choice...don't let something you heard from someone else dictake our future.. I'm tryna grow old with you...I'm tryna fall in love with you and may our classmates stand as our witnesses- Armoni I don't want to be with anyone else but you."

A tear falls down Andre's face as he crouches down & I move to wipe it from his soft skin. His gaze meets mine before I softly kiss his forehead with a smile, "I believe you, Dre..."

I hear Cat giggle as my boyfriend stands & pulls me into a big hug, clinging onto me as his arms wrap around my waist. A familiar solo applause erupts the moment as Sikowitz walks towards us, sniffling.

"That was just", He grabs the edge of Robbie's shirt,the nerdy boy entering the rehearsal late, and blows his nose into it harshly, making the normally puppet holding boy exclaim in disgust.

"Sikowitz! My mom just bought me this shirt!"

"Your mother has awful taste!", the teacher responded before turning his attention back to Andre and I,"This is why I gave you two these roles! Your chemistry is AMAZING! - Now that you've settled things pleaseeee run the scene!"

"Wait no- guys have you seen Rex?"

"Robbie how on earth did you manage to lose Rex?", I asked, sitting in Andre's lap as the gang rode down the street in Jade's packed car. We'd been spending the entire afternoon looking for the bigheaded puppet with no success.

"I don't know! I went to the pharmacy for some new toe pimple cream-"

Andre raises a brow,"Toe pimple?"

"Yeah it kind of oozes sometimes and-"

"BACK TO THE PUPPET!", Jade, Beck, Andre, and I scream loudly in irritation. Not wanting to hear the gross details of Robbie's foot pimple. Thus making the skinny boy jump, adjusting his glasses slightly. "Oh! Right.", he takes a breath,"I placed him in a chair and when I turned around he was gone."

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