If someone had to describe it I guess it would be completely black and very long. But I loved my hair. My mom always used to play with it and style it all up.

What good old memories I had.

Once I was out of the building I quickly made my way to the orphanage and kinda just basted in.

Me: I am so sorry!

Caretaker 1: Ahh Yui! We were wondering where you were...

Me: I am so sorry I kinda got stuck doing some stuff...

Yeah sleeping! Not as if you wanted to be here at what? 10:00 a.m?

Oh, shut up consciousness! You are being mean!

Caretaker 2: It's okay. We are happy to be here!

Me: I am too. Where are the kids?

Caretaker 1: Outside playing.

Me: oh I see. You need some help around here?

Caretaker 2: I am sure can help out in the kitchen. The event will start soon after all.

Me: That sounds like a wonderful plan!

Caretaker 1: Ohh the kids will love the food! You are the best cook I ever met this young!

Me: aww thank you!

I was about to go into the kitchen before I remember I still had the money in my bag and so I turned around and looked at the two women cleaning up the last bits of the entrance hall.

Me: Before I forget! I have a donation to make. Should I put in your office?

Caretaker 1: That would nice. Thank you!

Caretaker 2: Yui! You know that you don't have too!

Me: I know but this orphanage needs it!

Caretaker 1: Can't deny that one.

I quickly went to the office and put the bag of money in a closet where I always put it before going outside and making my way to the kitchen.

Me: Ohh this smells soo good!

Caretaker 3: Oh hello Yui!

Me: Hey!

It was weird how I am visiting this whole orphanage for a while now but never managed to remember their names.

Can't or won't?

Oh please just let me be alone!


Consciousness go dig a whole and bury yourself in there!

There were these times when I was really really tired that I started talking to myself in my head. I didn't know when I started doing this but at some point, I did. The reason for it was also a mystery. It might be because I was lonely or because I was slowly losing my mind. Whatever it was it wasn't bad talking to myself a little bit or at least I didn't mind it if it would try to piss me off sometimes...

Me: Can I help you with something?

Caretaker 3: Actually... You know this delicious cake you made last time?

Me: Yeah what about it?

Caretaker 3: I was hoping you could do it again.

Me: Sure!

Just like this I started making the cake. Not only that but I also made some biscuits and cookies for the kids too. Once I was done preparing the dough I put it in the oven and looked outside the window.

Ay some point the third caretaker left me alone in the kitchen and went outside to help the parents look for a kid.

??? : Excuse me! Can I get a coffee as black as possible?

Me: Coming right up!

I promises to help them out and this was how I didn't even realize that a guest just entered the kitchen and was staring at me. I was too busy taking care of the sweets that I just prepare and looking outside the window. It made me feel al warmed fuzzy to see the poor kids be so happy and even get adopted.

It was only at that moment when I went over to the coffee machine that I remember that none of the current orphanage staff was drinking coffee.


Who just ordered coffee?

I turned around and was meet with a very tired looking man that almost looked like a hobo.

Me: Ahm this is kinda staff only entry...

??? : I'm sorry kid. I am only here for a coffee and Alexa told me to just come in here and ask someone named Yui.


That's the one responsible for the kitchen!

Ah hate names!

How did it take me so long to remember her name?

She is such a sweet person too!

Me: Oh if that's so... Then I am sorry. I'll make it immediately.

Scarlet (Aizawa's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now