Chapter eleven : Where it all started fresh ( final chapter )

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The fire was growing through the field, burning the flowers like a wild beast eating everything a head of it .
The summer spirit was done for the night , the fire wasn't too distracting to guardians as he wished for , his powers were draining, he was getting weaker the more flowers burnt , and he couldn't keep fighting the three of them .
He needed a way out , something none of the guardians could prevent, he gathered every last bit of power he had , formed a round massive fiery clump and aimed it towards pitch black.
The guardians didn't react on time , they couldn't help but to stand and watch as the fire went to pitch's direction.
Pitch formed a tall scythe , he used all the force he had to break the pillar unbinding jack .
The contact between the pillar and the scythe , and the breaking pillar was resonating in jack's ears .
He no longer kept his eyes close, sure he trusted pitch with his life , the man saved him many times , but he was afraid that if pitch panicked he might lose a finger or something, not that he would ever tell pitch.
Pitch was too busy helping jack that he didn't realise that there is a fiery ball coming in his direction, fortunately for him and unfortunately for jack , jack did notice, and he was about to do something about it .
Jack convened all the power he can get from his core , turned his eyes and formed a crystal icy ball around pitch's figure to protect him just in time to save ( the now aware of what's coming in his way ) pitch.

Once the ice and the fire united , the fusion of the ice caused pitch to be almost as wit as jack, only a little warmer.
" now we are truly even "
Said jack with a sad smile as his core died down.
The summer spirit collapsed to his knees laughing like a sociopath as the guardians tied him up like the other spirits and dragged them to north's slay before rushing to pitch and jack side .
Pitch managed to break jack's bindings, he gently laid him on his stomach on the floor minding the burns in his back .
The wind carried an ocean breeze from the nearest one and put the fire down.
" pitch is jack alright? "
Asked north.
" no no " said tooth as she cried leaning on bunny's shoulders.
" his core died down "
Stated pitch darkly.
Bunny just stared.
" let's get him out of this damed place" said north.
" no , I won't let him die !! , he is still have to make me pay for taking his staff !! "
Said pitch as he called five nightmare horses , three to  keep the guardians away and one for him to ride on , and the other to carry jack , leaving the guardians protest as he took off with jack to Antarctica.

Pitch landed in Antarctica, got jack off the horse , he chose a spot filled with soft ice, placed jack down delicately and began digging a hole to Jack's size .
When he finished he placed jack in there, along with the two pieces of his staff and asked the wind's help to cover him with ice .
Before could pitch continue he  was interrupted by the guardians.
" pitch jack is gone , there's nothing we can do " said north sadly.
" what the hell do you think you are doing?!!, we treated him bad when he was alive, at least let him rest in peace !! " bursted bunny.
" pitch .. I understand how you feel, we feel the same way, as much as I hate it, Jack's core faded "
Said tooth in empathy and grief.
" you don't understand, maybe there's a way "
Said pitch hopefully.
" what do you mean pitch? , what is it that we don't understand? "
Asked north.
" he lost it "
Said bunny.
" don't say that bunny, he is sad "
Said tooth.
" it's the truth " muttered bunny .
" we made a spirits promise "
said pitch.
Pitch left the guardians with their shock of the news they just received, he stood tall in front of the ice buried jack and said:
" an oath shall never be broken, so as the spirits promise.
If it'll, my powers shall be taken , this promise bind my core to the other ,
I give him a part of me to recover, this will make him my brother,
To revive his core I'm entitled,
and so he shall be awakened "
A glaze of ice ran from the place where jack was buried, it went from there to the entire continent surface, even underneath pitch and the guardians feet , bumping them off the ground they were previously standing on .
Pitch crawled until he reached jack's burial site , he was about to dig into the ice , when the whole thing exploded in his face covering him , and the guardians with ice .
" whyyyyy!! , now I'm going to have to owe you for my life again!! "
Said jack  holding his one piece fixed staff with a smirk .
" for god's sake some one pinch me "
Said pitch with a tear sliding down his cheek .
Bunny pinched him.
" ouch !! " said pitch.
" not cool bunny! "
Said tooth while crying happily.
North only glared at bunny.
" what !! , he said some one !! "
Bunny protested.
Pitch practically leaped to where jack was and landed hugging him .
Jack hugged him back .
" brother huh "
Jack mocked .
" I was not referring to you , who wants a stubborn  quick tempered kid , who can freeze everything as a brother , besides I only said it because it rhymes!! "
Pitch shrugged.
" then why were crying? "
Asked jack .
" I had ice in my eyes "
Said pitch as he finally let go of jack.
The guardians took this as an invitation to hug jack too .
" for your information I had ice in my eyes too "
Said bunny.
" yeah , sure kangaroo "
Said jack .
They were all elated that jack was alive , they didn't notice the staff until pitch went to apologize for jack.
" jack I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken your staff , I betrayed your trust "
He said.
" don't , you meant well , it is fixed now that what matters "
Said jack.
" by the way , where are the spirits? "
Asked Jack.
" oh , they are going to be trailed and executed for trying to kill you and for using the forbidden spell "
Said north.
" they mentioned some high spirits involved, any idea who they were?"
Asked Jack.
" they are going to get what they deserve, thanks to black over here "
Said bunny.
Jack looked confused so tooth explained.
" pitch used his skills in scaring others and his anger about what happened to you , he made the season spirits confess everything to the spirits council "
She said.
" he really cares about you Jack , you should've seen the summer spirit when he was done with him"
Said north.
" it was nothing "
Said pitch.
" it was something, remind me not to step on your nerves "
Confessed bunny.
" Mr detective huh "
Said jack.
Pitch pushed it off .
" now that we are all good here, jack aren't you going to be a guardian again? "
Asked north.
" on one condition "
Said jack.
" what's that ? "
Asked tooth.
" I get to have Mr detective pitch black as my partner "
Said jack as he looked at pitch.
" jack this is probably not a good ide.. "
Said pitch as north cut him off.
" I have a better proposal, pitch can be the one responsible for the obstacles at the spirits world, in fact you and him can be spirits guardians "
" that is ... a great idea , what do you say pitch? "
" I don't know ... " said pitch.
" come on old man it will be fun "
Said jack.
" ok , I'll try "
Said pitch.
" sounds good for me "
Said north.
" he is your problem now "
Said bunny to pitch referring to jack.
" hey , not nice kangaroo "
Said jack.
" don't call me kangaroo!! "
Said bunny as he went after the running jack .
Pitch laughed as he went after bunny to save jack , tooth and north followed .

The end of this story / fanfic .
Thank you for reading
Plz review and comment.

The light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang