Where it all began part 1

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I don't own anything

Rise of the guardians fanfic:
Chapter 1  :

"We should have never trusted him " . Bunnymud screamed in anger.

Jack eyes winded with hurt and he started to back off slowly when bunnymud ran towards him screaming: "you should go , you shouldn't be here ".
then it happened bunnymud raised his pow and hit jack in the face . Tooth stormed in front of bunny her face flushed with rage she spook loud and fast .

What bunnymud understood to late that he stepped out of the line , unfortunately it was too late .
Bunny looked at jack on the floor eyes winded with shock , he looked at North hoping he would understand him , only to find north shaken his head in objection . 

"I screwed up ".
that what he thought, his thoughts were disturbed when jack got up and throw his memory canister on the floor and said: "I know it, you only wanted me to kill pitch for you other wise why on the earth after 300 hundred years you would talk  to me ".
His eyes turned blue and  the wind got stronger bushing bunnymud backwards as he was trying to approach jack . Jack continued: "if you are really my friends like you said you will at least listen to my part of the story , good luck fighting pitch together cause I don't care anymore. "
And with that he flew out of the Warren to Antarctica .

Jack was broken , he breathed hard as he flew to the coldest place on earth to ease the brun in his chest  .
He landed hard on the frozen ground cracking half of the continent .

He was so angry that he didn't notice the  dark auroa that surrounded the place , pitch was there waiting in the shadows , he was thinking about his dramatic entrance, his phrase , but when he opened his mouth to say : "will it isn't Jack Frost the one who was abandoned by the guardians. "
But instead her heard those words from someone else. He looked at the sound direction .

Two spirits were cautiously approaching jack ,one was a girl with green hair and pink floral dress she had birds feather gloves covering her hands , the other was a boy with brown hair , wearing a shirt made of colored leaves and a brown leather trousers.
Pitch recognized them as the spring and the autumn spirits .

What do they want from jack? , pitch asked him self, not knowing that jack was asking himself the same question.

End of chapter one

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