Where it all began part 2

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Pitch  was curious about the two spirits so he decided that he would lay low and watch what's going to happen .
"Will it isn't Jack Frost , the one who's no longer a guardian !! ". Said the spring spirit.
"In fact he is the only spirit in the whole world to get kicked out of its job. "Continued the autumn spirit.
"what do you want? "Jack replied angrily.
"I'm really not in the mood for you two at the moment". Added jack
" Every spirit in the world of spirit knew that  you will never last as a guardian , it was only a matter of time before you would ruin everything and get kicked out. " Said the autumn spirit .
" Will you knew it , and it happened so what do you two want ."said Jack
This time  his voice was louder and the wind pushed the spirits back .

" We were ordered to stop you from spreading snow days and from ever getting back to be a guardian, you see something about you disturbs the higher spirits. "Said the spring spirit
Pitch eyes winded, he remembered the first time he was treated bad by the other spirits, how they judged him at the beginning until he became what they judged him for .
His thoughts were interrupted by a blow of wind that bunched him in the stomach, he was about to scream in pain but quickly covered his mouth .
He looked from behind the ice berg and saw that the wind had hit both of the spirits , he chuckled when he heard the way the autumn spirit screamed he sounded like a girl, while the spring spirit just but her hand on her stomach and cursed .

" That was your first warning, the other won't be as comfortable as this one , now leeeave meee alone. " Said jack
Note to myself :
thought pitch " What ever you do don't make jack Frost angry "
" Enough playing , hand over your staff . "said the autumn spirit.
" You wish " said  jack
" if you don't you will lose the only person who cares about you " said spring spirit
And she showed baby tooth in her fist

End of chapter two
Plz review, it is my first time writing fanfic

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