"Don't provoke me, Krasivaya." Squeezing tighter till my eyes tears up as he watches waiting for me to yield. I nod at the verge of choking, relaxing on him showing signs of no struggle yet squaring his gaze.

Slowly, his hand release my wrists feeling a slight burn where he held me down and the other still on my neck watching me heatedly fanning me with his minty breath controlling himself from acting further than this. He pulls me off him placing me between himself and Andrei still glaring at me.

Trust me, mine didn't falter either breathing hard still wanting to unleash more on him. Riling myself, I begin to caress my sore wrists then sudden, my gaze snaps to the other twin.

Accusing. "And you?" Pointing my index at him.

He grins like a deranged psycho at the far end of the chair leaning back with a crooked grin. "Hey! I'm just enjoying the show." He laughs. "Seems like our little kitten has grown feisty." Titling his head to his brother before meeting my hateful gaze.

"Fuck you, Andrei."

A stormy cloud crosses his face, intense and powerful raking beautiful green eyes from my lips to my neck stud with hickies. He licks his lips sensually. "Trust me, I will. Very soon." Eyes trailing down to my heaving chest and hiked dress showing off my thighs and down to my legs. His smirk meeting my scared blue eyes.

"I'm just giving that pussy time to recover from my brother's work because when it's my turn... I won't be slow, I won't be patient. I will be extreme, hard and insane. I am going to punish you and fill you up with my cum loving as it leaks out of your sweet pussy just to fill it with more cum. I hope you love chains because, I do." Dark promises that scares me falls out of his lips daring me with his taunting green eyes.

Yup! His crazy ass definitely needs to be locked up in a facility seeing the psycho in him spring fort. Scooting away from him to Vadim, he observes growing an even wider smirk titling his head to the side and I just want to scream for help.

How did I end up with psycho and a dominant?

"You have more power over them than they think you do. Trust me, they will control you in every aspect of your life and I will say this slowly... Do not give them reins over you because our boys are just like their Fathers probably worse. You have to be stronger than them, no matter the outcome."

My subconscious takes heed of Mrs Sonia's words looking back at the controlling, territorial, possessive and dominating sons of the Russian Mafia who commands even the tides of fate with their brooding personality or words of death. Everything that occured today screams of her warning years back when she saw how the boys were protective of me even as teenagers.

I stupidly laughed it off because what can they do. They are just growing boys, hormonal teenagers maybe that will grow off whatever is in their head about me and definitely not a threat to me. Well, I was wrong. I should have listened to her.

“You will not call that man again or he will die. Do you hear me?” Andrei's words echoes loudly as I look at him. Terrified.

"I know my son, Andrei, so be careful with him. He will kill for you, so don't make the same mistake I once did with his father. After all, he is his father's son."

God! Their mothers warned me and I didn't listen. Why did I not listen?

You can hear a pin drop giving me deathly chills hearing the echoes of Andrei's threat resounding to my ears. Will he really kill Michael if I truly disobey him?

What have I gotten myself into?

I remain silent pondering over the thought of their mother's words, being pregnant and Andrei's threat. Vadim soon begin to manipulate his phone glancing at me every short passing second meanwhile Andrei squares my gaze with his taunting grin like the daredevil he is to do my worse and I'm just about to unleash his wrath on my poor self. Why are they so crazy?

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