"Peter is in your year and just a heads up, Tony asked him to look after you." I rolled my eyes and groaned again. "ok, bye Happy, i'll see you at 3 I guess." I said, opening up the door. I had gotten on with Happy in the three weeks i had known him. I liked how he only talked when necessary. "Ok and try to be nice to Peter." Happy called after me as i exited the car. He drove away and left me on the pavement. Peter smiled when he spotted me. I guess there was no way of escaping now. "Come on then Spider boy." I said as i started to walk towards the doors. He walked fast to keep up with me. "Well actually, it's Spiderman. But people don't know i am Spiderman so you can't say anything." He said in a low voice. "Ok, whatever." I muttered. I could already feel people's eyes on me, their quizzical faces trying to work out where they had seen me before. "I already got you your timetable." Peter said, passing me a slip of paper. I scanned it quickly then shoved it into my pocket. "Your in most of my classes." He spoke as if that was meant to relieve me. He pushed open the front doors and we walked into the school. The corridors were filled with excited students discussing their summers and less excited students who looked like they were about to fall asleep. 

Peter led me down a corridor and stopped at some lockers. "This is my locker and this one is yours." He pointed to the locker right next to his own. "So you can put your books and stuff in there." He told me. He pulled a small key from his pocket and held it out to me. I took the key from him and shoved it in my pocket. "I prefer to keep my stuff on me." I told him. Peter nodded awkwardly. "Oh erm, i think it's a good idea if we swap numbers just incase you get lost or something." He suggested, smiling sweetly. I didn't return the smile. "If i get lost i can ask reception or a teacher or another student." I told him. Peter shrugged and pulled out his phone. "Ye, but i just think it will be a good idea anyway." I narrowed my eyes. "Tony asked you to get my number didn't he." I guessed. Peter nodded after a while. I rolled my eyes. "He thinks i need keeping an eye on." I muttered, pulling out my phone from my back pocket. His eyes widened and i furrowed my brows with confusion. "Is that the iphone X?" Peter asked with awe. I shrugged. "I don't know, Tony got it for me." I replied. 

"Woah! That is so cool. This isn't meant to come out for another month." He spoke with excitement. Tony must have lots of connections to things like this seeing as he was a multi billionaire. Peter gave me his number and i added it to my contacts. He looked over my shoulder and groaned. "Oh, it's flash." He muttered. I looked over my shoulder and saw a boy with dark hair and tanned skin walking towards. "What's up Puny Parker?" He called as he strutted towards us. "Who is the new chick?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face that probably made other girls swoon. He ruffled his hair and furrowed his brows. "Hey, don't i recognize you from somewhere?" He asked. "No." I answered quickly. Flash smirked. "You're European?" He asked. "I'm Flash Thompson, and you are?" I didn't return his smile and i could see this frustrated him. "That's a stupid name." I told him. He tried to not less this falter his smile. Peter quickly jumped in. "Erm, Alena. Her name is Alena." He told Flash, emphasizing my name in a way that suggested he was trying extra hard to show me he wouldn't be the one to break the story. He glared at Peter  and then looked back at me, smiling. "You don't want to hang around with Parker, come on let me walk you to class." He said, placing a hand on my arm. 

I swiftly grabbed his hand with my free hand and twisted it hard. Pain surged through his face despite his attempts to look cool. "Don't touch me." I said slowly through gritted teeth. Peter's eyes flashed with alarm as he hurried to separate us. "Woah woah, Alena let go." I twisted harder.  I held on for a few more seconds and then sighed and let the boy go. Flash rubbed his wrist and swiftly exited. "Alena, you can't do that. We are at school." Peter told me. "Ok, i'm sorry." I said half heartedly. "I've just never been to school before." I explained. "Wait really? Like not even before..." He lowered his voice and looked around to make sure there was no one in close range. "Like not even before Hydra?" I shook my head. "Before hydra i was trained as an assassin" I said casually. Peter looked slightly freaked out. "Ok, but didn't you live with your mum before that?" 

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