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HOBI:they will get to know about this. there were so many messages were comming on the phone .If anyone saw his phone with me they will definately know that his phone was with me.SHIT!!*I hit the stearing wheel.while y/n was looking at me in shock*

y/n:OH shit !!!! what to do SHIT!!


hobi: We must clear up all evidences......everything.

*he emphasised the word everything.making me more afraid than before. he told that I need to destroy my car so I gave it  the car recycler.Then we did a final good bye and promised that we would never meet eachother again in the future and live our lives with our family.the next day I reported to the police about my got stolen.I had to lie to jin too.About all of this issue .At one side I was feeling bad and on the other side fear.I can have a chance of loosing my company and my family.And that became my fear.I don't wanna loose them cuz I love them.I even started to Love Jin again but this time my feelings for him grew more .My expansion meetings started.So I had to go to the office daily.This continoued likr this for probably a year.I was so busy in my business and family.My deals were aprooved to.And those Deals took me to the next level.I just wanted things to be normal back again.And  I felt everything was going right when -


News Reporter In The Tv

reporter:A guy named Suga  worked in the ******** bank.He left work at 5 'o' clock and never returned  home.His parents we expecting to have dinner with him tonight but then was found missing for about a year.His parents went with the police officer to find him......

*I was beyond shock as to what happened.The news reporter showed a vedieo and I saw that there were so many police officers with an unknown guy I guess it's his brother.My heart was beating so fast that I can't even tell you how much was I afriad.they were so close the where I dumped him.*

???1:Hi I am JK if anyone has any information about my hyung please contact the police*I will never for get thst jimin guy's face 


y/n:I can understand his situation,his pain ...IK how he is going through all the pain because of me.If I didn't do this then thos whole story would be completly different.*suddenly RM 's phone rang.He excused himself .

RM:yeah...hello.....yeah what is it?.......are you sure?......ok.......let me know if there is any other reason,alright......bye

*he ended the call*

The procecusion's last witness has reached the hospital.Till now no one knows his identity and the judge is gonna arrive the police station too  so we must do this fast.

y/n:wait a sec let me call my husband

*on call*



y/n:where are you?

tae:the flight just landed and I am still in the aroplane 

y/n:what ever listen the procecution has found a new witness against me.

tae:what?! what witness

y/n:idk when are you comming back?

tae:tonight ,give the phone to Namjoon

y/n:yea just a sec*I handed my phone to him*Tae wants to speak to you

RM:yea sure*he took the phone from my hand *

tae:uh yea Mr Kim what is this new witness bulshit?

RM:Idk Mr Kim Taehyung,the procectuion has found a new witness and he has reached the police station just now.


RM:yea and I think y/n Will be called at the police station.

*I was hearing every bit of the conversation I am so freaking freaked out  nervousness was rushing in my whole body I have no other way to go.If only I didn't make this huge mistake I would Have never gotten into this big trouble,If only I called an ambulence then I would have apologised his brothers,if only I didn't listen to hobi we would have called the police and clear up our misunderstanding. and suga could be  saved on the correct time.This was all my fault. I don't wanna go to the jaiI don't wanna get a life imprisonment and that would only happened........ if I didn't meet Hobi in the first place.*

Tae:listen  Mr Kim I am trusting you giving my y/n's life to you  please save her at any cost I don't wanna loose her.I love her please.

RM:yes okay will try my best to save her.

*end call*

y/n:will everything be alright?

RM:yes yes everything is under control no need to worry about it.You can proceed from where you stopped.

y/n:I wanted to make things better again -

RM:and again the police had destroyed it*he cut me while noting down whatever I was saying....  and I was looking at him complete shock*

" how do you know?"I asked *he looked up at me *

"there was no recored of this anywhere"*I continoued*

RM: homework y/n ....I do my homework so that I don't get a punishment

(You nasty people Ik what punishment you are thinking😛)*he said while he patted twice on a stack of his paperwork.He continued*

RM:the things that no one finds out I find them that's why I am succesful lawyer here.


*I was in the meeting room when one of my female coworker came in the meeting room*

Co worker:I am sorry to inturuppt

*she came closer to me and whispered in my ear.*

coworker:there is 2 policemen waiting outside maam*I looked at the direction  and my eyes widened.There were 2 police talking.I came out and started talking with the.I looked at the direction of my meeting room when I saw the furious faces of my parteners. who I will be working with.Of course,I have left the meeting room for the visitor.I told one of my co worker to call tae cuz he was my bestfriend before.It was a very important meeting and now  there is no chance of my deal getting accepted. At the same time I was getting nervous as to how they might know the truth.They then took me to the police station.*


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