Chapter 24+: Edward's phantasm

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Butterflies in a dream often represent longevity of life, romance, spirituality, joy, and creativity. It could represent a new way of thinking in your life, or taking on a new perspective. You may be undergoing some sort of transformation in your life. It can also indicate the need to settle down.
However the biggest danger is not knowing whether the dream is real or not, if you are a man dreaming of being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of being a man.

Balton apartment
A young man awakens in a strange room, unfamiliar to him, he turns to the right side to see a mirror, his messy red hair looks like a reg on his head, his green eyes shine like emeralds, and his fair skin is almost glassy.

"Huh?" He touches his gut expecting to feel something soft, however what he feels a six pack.

"This... Isn't right" the man said strangely.

'banggg!' "Good morning!!! Alfred!!!" A short guy wearing a green hoody with blonde hair, his face looked extremely cocky.

"Ahhhh!, who are you?" The red haired man now known as Alfred screamed.

"Huh?!, What's that now? You don't remember your best friend?! Travis!!!" The blonde boy fumed up.

"Travis? Alfred? I don't know any of those names" Alfred said confused.

"Oh so your playing the amnesia game?, Okay I'll play along, your name is Alfred, I'm your best friend Travis!" Travis pointed at himself.

"Okay... I get the gist but all of this still feels unreal like what are all of these" Alfred points at the figurines of girls with multiple colored hairs all on the shelf to the right of him.

"You forgot those too?!! Those are your precious Min Min girls figurine collection, come on let me show you around the apartment, that will jog your memory for sure" Travis grabbed Alfred's hand and dressed him up in a blue tracksuit and the left the room.

Alfred looked at the red brick house so unfamiliari it looked like he was from another world.

The two entered the living room to see two other guys playing a racing videogame on a flat screen television.

"Owwwwhh" Alfred reacted to the devices strangely.

"What's up with Al?" One of the guys playing games said he wore a strange sweater vest with swirly patterns, his skin tone was very dark.

"Probably failed at Knight art online again, their drop rates suck in that game" the man next to the dark one said , he wore thick glasses in a black tank top, his skin was so fair it glowed.

"Knights?" Alfred said softly as if that word meant a lot to him.

"Joseph, Maxwell it seems Alfred has “amnesia” so he doesn't remember anything haha" Travis laughed while using air quotes.

"That act sucks" Joseph the dark skinned man said and threw in controller in defeat.

"Well, show him some comic books maybe that will jog his memories" Maxwell the fair one said smiling at his victory in the game.

"Got it!, come on Alfred let's go read monster slayer college (MSC)" Travis dragged the airhead red head to the dinning table, there a ton of books with pictures every page.

Alfred browsed through the book titled monster slayer college, it felt somewhat familiar as well,
The story told, was about a young boy possessed by a monster who then enrolled in a monster slaying school to avenge his fallen friends.
The main character was an angry looking guy with bright blue holding a long sword and his sidekick was a chubby fellow with green hair holding two shields in both hands, they were wearing armor like they were knights or something.

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