Death Comes Easy To Us

Start from the beginning

"Jaime. I am Viking. Death is a reward to us. Because it means we can go to Valhalla, and sup with our lost loved ones, in the Halls of the Gods. If today is the day I die, then so be it. I am ready for Valhalla.", replied Randi, softening her voice a little. "If the Gods don't protect me, nobody else can.".

Jaime stared at her, and in that moment, in her eyes, he saw something that he could not understand. But it was something he had never seen before, something inhuman and almost like magic. His hand loosed around her arm and she took that as a sign that she was free to go. So she did.

Randi quickly joined her father by the wall. Bjorn, Lagertha and everybody else no longer in sight. Most likely by their own posts at a different side of the wall.

"Where did you go?", asked Ragnar. He had no doubt that Randi was not scared of a battle. He had raised her differently. Just like his sons. Yet, he was curious. Nothing here, on this side of the world seemed the same as back home.

"Nowhere. Just got caught up with speaking to someone unimportant, is all", she replied quickly, voice stoic.

"Very well. I hope that I don't lose you in battle. In case you need help, call for me. There is no shame in asking for help Randi. This is your first battle, and you are young. Too young in my opinion", said Ragnar, patiently waiting for the battle to begin.

"Yes I know, father.", replied Randi in monotone voice. He had told her these things many times already.

"I love you, my little princess", he whispered before giving his daughter a kiss on the forehead. She smiled in return and went back to her stoic expression. She reminded Ragnar of him during his first battle. Nervous, and trying to act strong. Randi in general reminded Ragnar of himself when he was younger. Big dreams, many questions with little answers. 

Ragnar did not have favourites. It is just that out of all his children, Bjorn and Randi were the most like him. It was only natural for him to want to spend a bit more time with them. To teach them about his past mistakes. So they could do better than he did. So they could be better than him.

"Where is our fleet?", asked King Joffrey from behind them. 

"Away", replied Randi.

"Why isn't it here now? They are coming!", yelled out Joffrey, but Randi did not reply, causing Ragnar to turn to look at them both.

"Hound, tell her that the King has asked her a question", seethed out Joffrey, not even bothering to turn and look at his pet dog.

"The King has asked you a question", said the Hound, clearly not happy with anything. 

"Floki, tell the Hound to tell the King that we are all extremely busy, and if he had paid attention when we were making the plan, he would understand what is happening at the very moment", replied Randi, turning to look at one of her dearest friends, Floki. He snickered, and turned to look at the man who's face was burned off on one half.

"Randi Lothbrok would like to tell you, to tell the King that-", began reciting Floki, earning an eye roll from Ragnar at how childish all of them were being.

"If I tell the Hound to cut you in half, he would do it without a second thought", interrupted him Joffrey, looking straight at Randi. 

"What are you even doing here, woman? You should be with the others in the dungeons, where it is safe. I don't want to hear your wailing, and screaming while we are fighting like real men.", continued Joffrey, and Randi tried not to be offended. She'll show this 'King' what she was really capable of. 

What the name Viking and Lothbrok really meant.

"I wanted to ask you the same question", Randi confidently replied, making the young King turn around to her, facing her fully with a red face of anger.

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