The Sacrifice of Odin's Eye

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We raised the slayed Bolton men on ropes, and hung them from the trees by their backs, as somewhat of a warning. The people needed to know what would happen if they captured a pair of Vikings.

Randi looked up at the dead men, naked from waist up, their faces blank, and their eyes foggy

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Randi looked up at the dead men, naked from waist up, their faces blank, and their eyes foggy. She did that. She killed them. Something woke up in her, and it was like an instinct to kill them. Her first real battle, and it was a win.

"First time is always rough. You'll get used to it", consoled Bjorn a little, but Randi was not ready for that.

"Why do we keep fighting each other? What does it bring other than death?", she asked, looking at her brother. She felt guilty for killing the men, even though she knew she shouldn't. Dying is part of life. It always was, and it always will be. 

"Death is only the beginning of the journey, Randi. They had done unforgivable things, and they were punished for it. If the Gods did not want them punished, why did they allow us to kill them? The gods have thought out our fates long ago. It does not matter what we do, we will end up where they want us to", replied Bjorn, grasping her shoulder roughly before hitting the side of her head playfully, and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Besides, these are all sacrifices to the Gods. It is a good thing", added Bjorn as a whisper. He joined Brienne by her side as she watched Jaime being treated by Missandei. Randi saw as her brother whispered something to Brienne, making her raise an eyebrow. 

Brienne and Bjorn were the same height, and had the same colored hair. The woman was obviously a great warrior in the making, and Randi took an interest in her. Perhaps she would be able to have her brothers teach Brienne how to fight Viking style, if they ever met. Besides, her eldest brother has already taken a large interest in her, but Brienne in Bjorn? not so much. Perhaps this will be the first time Bjorn gets rejected by a free woman. 

Randi limped to sit on a rock not far from where Jaime had collapsed. She saw the hand that was cut off, neatly lying on the rock, still warm with blood pouring out of it. He would survive. Viking Warriors had survived much more. She remembered the stories Floki used to tell her about his friends, Torstein, the man who had his whole arm cut off because it was infected, but didn't get better, so he sacrificed himself for his friends when he climbed a mountain. Of course she didn't want Jaime to sacrifice himself, they still needed him. 

"How is he?", asked Randi in a quiet voice, watching her friend put some leaves she had found earlier on the wound before wrapping it up.

"He lost a lot of blood, we need to get him to a dry place, with more medicine. What I have is not enough", replied Missandei, standing up, and sighing heavily. Randi remembered that this would have been Missandei's first battle as well, not that her best friend ever wanted to be a part of one. Missandei always said that she liked to keep people alive, not kill them. Randi will have to make sure that Missandei is alright later.

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