A Feast For A King

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"Have you send the raven to your father yet?", asked Robb, as he poured himself some wine.

They were all in the main tent, Ivar, Ubbe, Hvitserk, even Sigurd. They had not left it either. Not allowed. Robb did not want his soldiers, and other Lords to start asking questions, not that they weren't already. He wanted to keep the four Vikings out of sight, to keep them safe. Besides, Robb valued their judgement.

"Yes, it should arrive soon", replied Ubbe, his arms crossed across his chest. Ragnar had Morsi teach him, and his son Bjorn some of her language, as well as read and write. After Morsi's passing, Ragnar had gotten to work on translating his language, the language of Vikings, on to paper. Now, far from all, but some of them, especially his sons, and daughter know how to write messages on paper. 

Ubbe was annoyed. He hated being cooped up in a tent, listening to the outside world buzz around, while all he could do was sit by the table, and look at the map. Hvitserk and Sigurd would playfully fight, knocking things over. They had too much energy in their system. While Ivar would sit by the map, memorizing it, playing possibly battles, and thinking of solutions to them. He enjoyed doing it, it exercised his mind, besides, who knew how helpful it would be in the future? 

"Very well. When they do arrive, your father and I will come to a formal agreement. He offers me warriors, and ships, and I give him 20,000 acres of good land when I kill Joffrey Baratheon, and his family. Not only that, if he wishes to have a permanent residence here, not just to farm, but to have a city, I will allow him to do so. He can establish a house, I could give him a castle, Harrenhal perhaps, or Storm's End. I would wipe out the Baratheons, and would need a new Warden of Storm's End", said Robb, looking at the four Warriors in front of him. Ivar nodded, accepting those terms, while Sigurd stood up.

"Do we really have to remain in this tent? Can we not at least go outside? See the sunlight? I am tired of being in here, unable to do anything", he whined and Ivar rolled his eyes. Ivar thought that his brother was always the weak minded one of the group. 

"I am sorry, but yes, you will. Not because I do not trust you, but because-", began Robb but Ivar interrupted him.

"But because you do not trust your allies with us. We can hear them talking about us. They want to kill us. Not one of them trusts us, and is angry that you listen to what we have to say", finished for him Ivar and Robb nodded slightly, taking an awkward sip of his wine.

"More or less", he agreed, and then turned to the entrance of the tent, opening it a little and telling something to the guard. The Ragnarssons watched with interest as Robb came back, clearing his throat.

"You have proven to be smart, and battle minded. I wish to hear what you have to say of my next plan. I do hope it is alright that my other advisors, mother and wife join us.", said Robb and the Vikings stood, ready to be greeted 'warmly' so to say.

They waited, listening to the outside world that had begun to quiet down. It was dark already, many soldiers had gone to sleep, but the King has decided that now was the time to plan his next attack. Catelyn Stark, the mother of Robb came in, looking at the four Vikings uneasy, and with disgust. She was among those who did not trust these foreigners, and thought them to be Lannister soldiers in disguise. What if they were sent here to find out the plans of her sons?

"Mother. Meet Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar", Robb introduced the four Vikings. Catelyn looked at them mistrustfully, trying not to cover her nose when she felt the smell of them. Do they not wash? But then again, nobody entered the tent other than the King for the past few days. 

Catelyn's eyes fell upon Ivar, and how he was sitting. His brothers stood, with their hands in front of them respectfully, because she was the mother of the King. Yet, Ivar was not doing so. That, in Catelyn's mind, meant he was disrespecting her.

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