~Knock Knock~

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"And how do we know that your father will not attack the capital? He has brought a considerable amount of ships with him. A whole fleet from what we've seen", asked Tywin, as Randi, Bjorn, and Missandei stood in the middle of the throne room in front of the King that sat on the beautiful, majestic Iron Throne, with his Hand of the King by his side, and his mother. Jaime and Tyrion shared a look, nervous.

"Because he has no interest in fighting a battle with you. He does not want to spill blood. We know our father.", tried to persuade Randi, yet Joffrey seemed to already have made his mind up.

"For all we know, your father could be working against us with Robb Stark, the traitor. And I cannot allow for my people to be hurt or killed. I am their King, I am the Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, so I shall protect my people. It is what my father would have done", began Joffrey, standing up from his throne to try and appear dangerous. But Randi, Bjorn and Missandei were not scared. They had seen far worse than this little boy.

"Lock them up in the Black Cells", ordered Joffrey, and the guards, and King's Guard took out their swords as they came closer to the three Viking. Jaime, and Tyrion looked up at their King in surprise. Of course, they could understand the reasoning, but these three Vikings were good. They didn't deserve to be locked up in the Black Cells.

"How long do you think you will be able to keep us locked up?", asked Bjorn loudly as he put his hands up. "There are at least 80 ships full of Vikings coming your way. How long do you think until they come knocking?".

Bjorn, Randi, and Missandei were escorted, while Jaime and Tyrion remained inside the room. They shared a look, knowing that they would both try to persuade the King to let the three Vikings go. They had done nothing wrong, it would not be fair for them to get punished. Besides, they had no desire to see what Ragnar could do. Tales of his triumph was enough. If what they said about their father was true... it would be hard to kill him.

"Father, do we really want conflict with the Vikings?", asked Jaime, looking at his father, who had refused to speak to him ever since he arrived back home safely. For some unspoken reason, Tywin seemed to be holding a grudge against his eldest son.

"The ships that have arrived here are full of Warriors. Our City Watch, and the Guards will not be able to handle them. And unlike any of you, I am not ready to give up the Iron Throne to a pagan King", replied Tywin coldly, his voice and tone commanding respect and silence as it rang through the throne room.

"We can use them to make a deal with the Pagans. A deal that can not only get them off our land, but may also gain us more resources and men in these troubled times of treason and sieges, as well as power in wherever they came from. They must realize that there is only one King in this world. And until then, we must do whatever we must to hold King's Landing, and protect those inside the walls", explained Tywin, looking at everyone. He was smart. There is a reason his bastard grandson, that has no relation to the royal blood, and is a madman is still on the wretched Throne.

Jaime sighed, feeling his heart clench in his chest. Randi, Bjorn and Missandei had saved, and protected him. And this is the 'thanks' they get? He had to help them, but for now he had to be patient, and await his father's, as well as Ragnar's next moves.

Meanwhile, there were three ships that were heading towards the capital, while the rest of the fleet stayed behind. Just enough away from the shore to seem like they won't attack, yet close enough to be a reminder of what would happen if their leader was in trouble.

First ship, Ragnar stood in the front, watching the city he had thought he would never see, slowly but surely approach. The men rowed as hard as they could, feeling excitement and their blood boil. They were sick and tired of fighting King Aelle and King Ecbert, or travelling to Naath or Frankia. They wanted excitement. They wanted the whole world to know what Vikings are. And why they should fear them.

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