A Message From The Gods

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Randi Lothbrok was the only surviving daughter of King Ragnar Lothbrok. The youngest of his 7 children. Her mother was Queen Aslaug, and she had 5 brothers. That she knew of. Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe Lothbrok, Hvitsverk Lothbrok, Sigurd Lothbrok, and Ivar the Boneless. She had inherited her father's bright blue eyes that shimmered even brighter after a victory, and darkened after a loss. As if they could change their shade according to her emotions. Her hair was bright orange, like fire. Her mother said, that her own mother had bright orange hair, and that is where she must have gotten them from. She did however have her mother's beauty. Her lips, and her skin, the shape of her face, the shape of her body.... Everything was absolutely perfect. It was as if she was sculpted by the gods themselves.

When Aslaug was pregnant with Randi, she had told Ragnar a prophecy, much like Ivar's. That the child she was carrying under her heart was destined for great things, but at a great cost. What cost might that be, you ask? Nobody knew.

However Randi's personality... Oh boy. That was all Ragnar. She was just as courageous, headstrong, fierce, clever, outgoing, adventurous, possibly mad as her father. She did value family above everything, even those who may not deserve it. 

Her Uncle Rollo had betrayed them all, not once. But twice in his life-time. He left them the second time to marry a Princess named Gisla from the Kingdom Frankia, on the opposite side of their continent. Nobody from the family cared enough to go take the Kingdom. It was useless.

Ragnar had told all of his children the stories that the woman he captured from the island of Naath had told him before her tragic death. Everything he knew about the Seven Kingdoms, and Essos, and it's inhabitants. He himself however was unable to continue travelling, because he had first defeated Earl Haraldson, making himself Earl. He had people to look after. And then after an attack from a Kingdom called Wessex lead by King Ecbert, which they won, he never had enough time to leave. He had to protect his people. He had to protect Kattegat from King Ecbert and King Aelle. There was no ocean, or Narrow Sea that divided Wessex, Mercia, Northumbria and the rest of Norway.  They were constantly at war. 

King Ragnar would never admit to having favourites in his children. He loved all of them equally. But he did pay more attention to Randi. She was not only the youngest, she was also the smallest and weakest. Ever since she was born, she would have different illnesses every year. Coughs, fevers, stuffy noses. But sometimes it would be worse, as far as coughing up blood, or being unable to breathe. Ragnar was sure it was a punishment from the gods to him for all the sins he had committed. For all the lives he had taken during the wars between him and Northumbria.

But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Randi spend most of her time in bed sick, or outside with her brothers and friends. She was only a year younger than Ivar, now 17 years of age. Bjorn was the eldest, leading different expeditions to the Island of Naath every year to gather supplies, or check the settlement there. Naath was now completely under King Ragnar's name. And to everyone's confusion and amazement, nobody from Essos or the Seven Kingdoms cared to go see what was happening on the small island. Naath was irrelevant to them.

When Randi was sick, Missandei would be by her side. They would sow, they would read, they would braid eachother's hairs, or gossip about Bjorn's new girlfriend. Randi's eldest brother used to have a wife, Porunn, who had left suddenly. Randi was no more than a babe herself, so she didn't remember but Bjorn remembered very well. His daughter, Siggy had died a couple years later.

Missandei and Randi had formed a bond that seemed to be unbreakable. Although the Naath girl was a few years older than Randi herself, she didn't mind. They were best friends. Missandei was raised, not as a slave, but as a commoner. She served Princess Randi and her brothers but she was free. Unlike her mother, Morsi. She died of one of the large outbreaks, the one where Gyda had tragically passed away in. It was traumatic for Missandei, who was just a little babe and was ripped away from her mother so suddenly. Luckily, as soon as Aslaug came along, she took care of the Naath girl.

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