The Mind

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"How have we never heard of the Vikings, and Christians across the Narrow Sea? You have been surviving there the whole time, with your own system, your own gods...", trailed off Robb Stark as he walked around his tent. Three of the four Vikings sat on chairs at the table. Sigurd was still in the healers tent, while his brothers are telling King Robb about who they were.

"We have heard of your lands some time ago, but we never had enough time to travel across the Narrow Sea to see. Until now", explained Ubbe, watching the King walk around with interest. He was dressed differently than anybody he has ever seen.

"Why have you come now? Only four of you?", asked Robb, turning to them.

"7 of us. My younger sister, and older brother, as well as Missandei are missing, we don't know where they are", Ubbe corrected him and Robb nodded, continuing to walk around his tent.

"And what do you want here? Lands? Titles? Gold?", he asked curiously, hands behind his back.

"To know. We want to know what it's like here. What the people dress like, what they talk like, what the Kingdom's are like, what food they eat, what drink they drink, what they smell like. Anything. We want to know everything there is to know", replied Ivar, leaning on the table. His legs were propped up on another chair, and Robb's eyes continuously fell on them as he walked, but he forced himself to look somewhere else.

"That's it? You have all this way, only for some knowledge?", asked Robb in disbelief. Even he would want something here on this land if he had almost died in a shipwreck to foreign lands.

"We are... curious men", said Hvitserk, with a smile.

"It wouldn't hurt to also get a boat, so we can travel back", said Ubbe after a pause, with a half-smile. Robb smiled, amused, and sat down on the table, across from the three Vikings.

"If it's knowledge you want, I can provide it. With time of course. I am leading a rebellion against the crown, but as soon as I win it, all the citadel's are yours to visit, and read all the books you want to. Ask any questions. I will answer them", offered Robb Stark and the three brothers exchanged happy looks but then Robb put up a finger.

"But, in return, I want to know about your lands. Your people. Do you have armies? Boats?", he asked and Ivar scoffed to himself, leaning back against the chair while Ubbe and Hvitserk sighed. They knew that all this knowledge could not be for free.

"We have armies, we have boats. Our father is King Ragnar Lothbrok. But the armies, and boats are a bit preoccupied at the moment", replied Ubbe.

"Our father is fighting a war with King Aelle and King Ecbert back home.", added Ivar, looking out the small window of the tent.

"How long do you think he still needs?", asked Robb, not ready to give up the prospect of gaining another army for his cause.

"Why are you asking? Do you want us to fight for you?", asked Ubbe, with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, I do", replied Robb with a confident voice.

"Why would we fight for you? We do not care who sits on your Iron Throne. Who rules these Lands. All we want is Knowledge", asked Hvitserk and Ivar scoffed once more.

"For now", he mumbled and Robb looked at him uneasy.

"What do you mean by that?", asked Robb but Ivar shook his head.

"What do you think it means? When we return back home, our people will want to raid your lands. Unless we strike some kind of deal", said Ivar and Robb looked at him interested.

"What kind of deal?", he asked curiously.

"We have some fertile land to build a settlement, and farm here", chimed in Ubbe and Robb looked at him as if he thought he was joking. THen Robb began laughing, hard.

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