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Blake:I thought that class would never end

Ruby:okay today's the day let the investigation begin!

She jamp off her bunk.

Wiess:I'm glad to see were taking this so seriously

Yang:I mean we have a plan that's...moderately serious

Ruby:right, everyone remember there roles?

Blake:were still waiting on someone


Gilgamesh:that would be me

We looked and saw Gilgamesh standing on the window ledge with his arms crossed without his armour and his hair down.



He hopped down.

Gilgamesh:just be glad I've graced these three Mongrels with my devine presence

Blake:shut up

He laughed and I walked up to him.

Gilgamesh:you remember our deal?

Blake:tonight will have more than enough entertainment for that sick mind of yours

Gilgamesh:sick? No no Kitty Cat I prefer...articular mind

I sighed and turned down my team.

Blake:he's coming and if we run into any trouble his Semblance can deal with it

Gilgamesh:I'm here to observe and be entertained unless I am directly challenged I will not help the likes of you

Ruby:man he's worse than Wiess

Wiess:and that's saying something

Yang:so what you two are all buddy buddy?

Wiess:so that's where she's been sneaking off to, too hang out with him

I blushed and Gilgamesh laughed.

Gilgamesh:yes ice queen your spot on

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Gilgamesh picking out an outfit.


I stood outside the White Fang meeting area. Blake went in and now I'm just waiting to see what will happen. Blake jamo out a window with a Palidin chasing her.

Gilgamesh:oh this is going to be fun

I summond Vimana and followed her. I flew along side the free way. She looked up at me and jamp on.

Gilgamesh:well look here I caught a Kitty

Blake:stop talking and take him down!

Gilgamesh:I said I would observe not-

I barely avoided missles that almost hit my ship. I then noticed that Blake had fallen off, I saw her under the free way about to be crushed.

Gilgamesh:you dare strick what is mine!? SHE BELONGS TO ME!

I flew down and fired six blades that knocked the Palidin back before it hit the ground. I jamp out of Vimana in front of Blake.


I was just coming too when I saw what looked like Gilgamesh standing in front of me. Somthing I've noticed when he is fighting is when his arms are crossed he is either bored or amused but when is hands are at his side like they are now...he uses more blades and they are faster and more precise.

Gilgamesh:firstly you damage my property hurt her...YOU WILL PAY IN BLOOD FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!

Did I hear that right? I couldn't have. He would never...would he? He summond portals that shit chains, wrapping them around Romans Palidin. Roman managed to shoot at us but Gilgamesh blockd it with a large shield. He then made the chains pull and he ripped the Palidin apart. Roman fell out and he stood.

Roman:okay time for us to go

Gilgamesh:you won't escape me!

He fired more chains but Roman turned to glass breaking away. Thw chains dissapeard and Gilgamesh sighed.

Gilgamesh:dammed Mongrel

He turned around again and I quickly pretended to still be knocked out. He then done somthing I was more than shocked at, he picked me up bridal style and laid me on his lap on Vimana as we flew back to what I assume Beacon. Where is Yang,Wiess and Ruby anyway?


Yang:you think their alright?

Wiess:of course as the mighty Gilgamesh is sooo powerful

Ruby:can we just enjoy our food?


He opened the door to my dorm and laid me in my bed. As he walked away I opened my eyes and saw him as he closed the door.


Underneath that arrogance and self-importance...he cares. But it's a bugger surprise that he cares about me. I think knowing that...I care about him too.

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