getting to know each other

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We checked into a hotel and surprisingly Gilgamesh was fine with a simple room. I thought he would go for the penthouse and leave me with this. There were two beds, well at least that's good. We each laid on a bed, he had his arms crossed like he always did but he didn't have that bored look on his face...he was smug like he was genuinely happy? What's his angle...he has to get somthing out of this but what? I turned the light off and tried to sleep but I was too focused on his eyes. He was still in the same position with his eyes open glowing red.

Gilgamesh:did I give you permission to stare Kitty Cat

He only moved his eyes toward me his face still looking at the ceiling. He could probably see my eyes glowing too. I turned over and fell asleep.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Gilgamesh and Blake sleeping.


We were sitting outside a coffee shop and finally Blake told me her past. How she was practically born into the White Fang and how she was at the front of every rally and protest. Five years ago after the original peaceful leader stepped down that was when the mongrels started organising attacks. It worked and they were being treated as equals out of fear so she left. This girl intrigues me to no end.

Blake:I'm just a criminal hiding in plain view all with the help of a little black bow

She moved her ears under the bow.

Gilgamesh:and you haven't even told your team...priceless

I was attempting to hold in my laughter.

Blake:shut up...okay what about the past of you your highness?

I chuckled.

Gilgamesh:why not you are providing me adequate entertainment...I was born in Vacuo to a large poor family of thirteen cousins, four uncles.and ants, five siblings and two parents, my life up until I was about five I was treated as a God King, my Mother and Father had filled my head with thoughts that I was the pinicle of Faunes and Humans. My five older siblings grew jealous of the attention I was receiving so they sold me into slavery. I often reminded the gaurds and other slaves how I was above them and this work. I was beaten for every word I spouted. My Semblance manifested at ten and with it I slaughterd the slaves and gaurds, I made my way to Vale in some hope of conquering it. After much collateral damage caused by yours truly I was given to Goodwitch who raised me

Her face was once again dumbstruck.

Blake:I...I'm sorry for what you went through

Gilgamesh:I do not require your pitty Kitty Cat

I could tell she hated that little nickname but I quite enjoyed it. We started walking through the city. We passed by another robbed Dust shop.

Blake:this isn't right...the White Fang have never needed this much Dust before

Gilgamesh:you wish to prove their innocence?

Blake:they can't be doing this

Gilgamesh:then we catch the real criminal by finding there next target

Blake:and how would we do that?

I thought for a moment. I'm sure Mother said somthing about a Schnee Dust freighter coming in tonight.

Gilgamesh:I believe I have an idea

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