Chapter 24-Project work and Girls' night

Depuis le début

" Oh yup yes of course she asked of you." Carlos said.

" Great... You'll be here today right?" She asked and I nodded.

" Okay great then I'll have a few friends over so we can all hang out." She said excitedly and we all laughed.

" Why are you all laughing?" She asked confused.

" Well.... I'm only coming here so I can do my project work with you brother not to have some tea party kiddo." I explained and the boys laughed loudly.

" Fine. Whatever!" She said and stormed off.

" I love youuuuuuu." I yelled.

" Whatever!" She yelled back and I laughed.

" Okay I'll get going see you boys later." I waved and started walking away.

" You still look hot by the way." Jake commented and I gave him a scowl.

I finally got back home. I wanted to eat before doing anything else so I went to the dinning hall.

I took and seat and opened a bowl to dish out my food.

I fished out my porridge. I dipped the spoon in it and scrunched up my nose in disdain.

The heck is this? I said in my head.

I got up to go to my room. I turned sharply and I saw Grandma Florence staring at me with her hands folded.

" Hey Granny. What's up...." I said trying to walk away.

" S3 3y3 wo s3 3nd3 wondi eduani yi aa. 3ni3 woboa."( If you think you're not going to eat the food today then you're lying.) She said.

" Whatever that was. You too Granny. You too." I smiled and continued walking away.

" My friend will you get back here!" She eyed me and I groaned.

" Sit down." She commanded.

I grudgingly took my seat and huffed.
She stirred the food and ordered me to open my mouth. I swallowed the food painfully. This continued until I was done with everything.

" Now that's a good girl." Grandma cooed.

" I'm ordering food next time." I sassed.

" In my house? It's a lie. As long as we've cooked, you're going to-" I tuned her out gave her a thumbs up and walked to my room.

I honestly need some sleep. I removed my slippers and jumped on my bed. I slowly drifted into dreamland.

"Were you there for me when I needed you most?" I asked.

" No...but-"

" Were you there when I was being judged for being me?" I asked

" No but-"

" Were you there for me when I was battling with depression, insomnia, fear of loosing a loved one and then low self esteem? Huh! Tell me where were you? And you've got the guts, the audacity to stand here and say we are friends?"

" I understand but-"

" There is no but! And- and don't tell me you understand because you don't. You don't understand and you never will. If you had gone through what I have gone through, you'll die! But I hope you do not." I interrupted.

" Why are you making this about you?" **** asked.

" It is about me. Yes it is about me. I had to go through therapy. I had to face the naysayers and the look of disdain in people's eyes so don't tell me I'm being self centered." I replied.

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