Chapter 31. The Trials Begin!

Start from the beginning

She heard King whimper a little on her side before he cut himself off, attempting to keep his worry to himself.

"What's on your mind?" Merlin folded her arms, the orb her body was illusion-ed around levitating closer to her.

"You said it yourself, we need to power up!" Y/n grinned, placing her elbows on the wooden table, "I think I know just the place." After that, she frowned at the sensation that engulfed her and turned to slide off of the chair, looking towards the door.

She focused on the odd sensation. It was dark, strong, dangerous, and coming closer. She moved forward, running out of the tavern after smashing the door open so hard that it flew back and bounced off the wall.

"Hawk's Mom! Stop for a moment!" Y/n shouted loudly, the others able to hear it through the thick wooden door. Hawk's Mama stopped instantly at the order, making Hawk yelp as he was thrown forward.

King flew out of the open door, looking around for a threat, "What's going on, Y/n?" He asked, seeing nothing wrong, "Let's get moving," He let out a low gasp when he suddenly felt it. The atmosphere ahead of them was dark and dangerous, "What's this? These three powerful auras..."

"Meliodas walked out of the door, his hands in the pockets of his pants, "It's two of the Ten Commandments and somebody else. I don't know who, but they're fighting." Meliodas brought to the table, frowning at the third aura, "On the Ten Commandments' side, there's Monspeet... And Galand." Meliodas took an extra second to make sure he'd get it right.

"The other has a power I haven't come across before." He added, unsure of what to make of it.

"I'm not sure..." Y/n trailed off, "It feels familiar, but I can't put my finger on it." She replied despite Meliodas wasn't talking to her, looking at the blond. He crossed his arms, his arms set straight ahead.

He left Y/n to pout as the others walked out of the tavern.

"Meliodas, can't we talk-" Y/n's cut herself off, her eyes widening slightly at the sudden enormous sense of danger that engulfed her, "... About it."

"Big sister! Could this overpowering murderous intent be-"

Merlin quickly cut Slader off, "Yes. It looks like they've detected our presence as well." The illusion of Merlin nodded.

Y/n gulped. This could end badly. Very bad.

"Wait, are you serious?! But they're still hundreds of miles away from us, aren't they?!" Hawk huffed, smoke coming out of his (snout?), "Their sense of smell is crazee!" He said in awe, still unable to detect them.

Elizabeth looked down at Hawk, giggling a bit at him, "Uh, I-I don't think they detected us by smell, Hawk." She informed the pig, smiling sweetly down at him.

"I can't believe he's the one who noticed us," Meliodas whispered to himself, his green eyes narrowed slightly ahead of him. He was prepared for him to make a move, to form his attack. He knew it was coming, he just didn't know how to deflect it without giving himself away.

Y/n growled under her breath, her fists tightening once she felt it, "There it is." From where they stood, the group could already feel the fiery heat approaching them faster than any human could.

"A mass of devastating Magical Power is heading towards us at blinding speed!" King spoke his worry out loud.

"ETA, ten seconds." Gowther informed, his voice calm as ever. Y/n lifted her hand, patting his head, "Thank you, Gowther." Meliodas ran out on Hawk's Mama's forehead, "Hawk's Mom! Change direction and run as fast as you can!" He shouted out the order while point to the right, which is the direction Hawk's Mama changed to, running at high speed.

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