Chapter 7- Ron's temper

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Harry's POV:

The last person I wanted to see was Hermione, Ron or wrose, Ginny. As me and Draco started heading towards our common room, I noticed two figures staring directly at us.

"Ahhh!", I screamed as I put my hands on my chest. "Bloody hell, Harry. It's only me and Hermione.", Ron said, covering my mouth with his hand.

I let out a deep breath," what are you guys doing here, shouldn't you be at the great hall?"

Hermione placed her hand on my shoulder," Harry, we were worried about you. We were looking for you all morning! Where were you?"

"And what is that git doing with you?", Ron asked, his face getting red with anger. I replied," he is not a git and I am fine... he was with me all day comforting me."

"What?", Ron spat," what sick games are you playing this time, death eater?"
"Ron, don't!", i warned him.

"Mate, he is our enemy. How could you? Besides, he killed my brother-"
I cut him off," Ron, are you in your senses? He never killed your brother!"

Draco sighed, "Ron, can we sit and talk like civilised adults instead of accusing me of a murder i never committed?"

Ron grabbed him by his colar and said through gritted teeth, "How dare you, you filthy little git!"

As me and Hermione struggled to keep them apart, we heard footsteps coming closer from outside which made Ron let go of him.

He hissed, "This is not over yet!", as he left for his room.
Draco cried pleading, "Ron, please! Hear me out. I don't wanna fight anymore. Please give me a second chance. Please-"

Ron glanced back halfway through the stairs and let out a fake laugh, "You can fool, Harry, not me."

As Ron disappeared from sight, Draco let out a deep breath and turned towards Hermione, "Hermione, I am not lying... I wanna fix it. I hope you can forgive me..."

As many students started filling up the common room, Hermione pulled us to a corner and whispered, "Don't worry, Draco. If Harry can forgive you, i can, too."

Draco's face immediately lit up, " Merlin's pants! Hermione, thank you! Thank you so much!" She smiled as she too left for her room.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Ron is a good guy. He just needs time..."
He smiled weakly, "i deserved it."
"No you didnt, Draco."
He sighed, "Goodnight, Harry.", as he got up to leave.

I sat there, deep in thought when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I blurted out, "Ron?", but was disappointed when I turned around to see who it was.... Ginny.

Ginny gave me a small smile," Can we talk?"
I nodded as i had no energy left to argue.
"I am sorry, I was so mean to you.... i am sorry, Harry. Please forgive me?"

I stared at her for a moment to search for lies hidden beneath her eyes, "Ginny... i need time... and space."

She nodded, "I understand. Take care, Harry." She glanced back as she left, "Oh and i told McGonagall you were sick so you won't get into trouble today for missing your classes."

I nodded as I too left for Ron's room, while she left for hers.

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