Chapter 18- Self-harm

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A/N: This story contains Draco who self-harmed himself.... I suggest you skip this chapter if you don't feel comfortable reading this...

Harry's POV:

"Where is Draco?", I asked, taking a seat across from Ron and Hermione at the Great Hall.

"Good morning to you, too mate.", Ron said.
I ignored him as I repeated my question, "Where is Draco?"

Hermione looked up from the prophet she was reading, "Shouldn't he be with you?"

I shook my head, "Remember how drunk he was yesterday? I decided to skip dinner and sleep in with him early too... but today, when I woke up, he wasn't in bed.."

"He never came here Harry.", Ron said.
My heart sank, "I have a bad feeling about-"

Hermione cut me off, "Holy cricket! Look at this guys." I took the prophet from her and read it aloud, "Lucius Malfoy, one of the most loyal Death Eater is getting the dementor's kiss this morning."

"Bloody hell...", Ron gasped.
"I... I am gonna go look for Draco.", as I stood up, Hermione and Ron did too, "We will come with you Harry."

I nodded, "Let's split up and find him."

I started heading towards the astronomy tower while Hermione made her way to the library and Ron to check all the unused classrooms.
Draco's POV:

I opened my eyes to Ron, Hermione and Harry towering over me... I sat up slowly and asked, "Where am I?"

Hermione took a seat beside my bed, "Hospital wing, Draco. Do you remember what happened?"

I shook my head as Ron sighed, "Mate, we found you at the Room of Requirement-"
Harry cut him off, "Passed out in a pool of blood..."

As I turned towards Harry, I saw him leaning against my bed post, folding his arms across his chest... dressed in a black hoodie.... and I could clearly imagine how big he is through his grey sweatpants... Fuck, Draco... you should not be thinking of how delicious Potter looks while you were this close to die some hours ago...

I shook my head attempting to shook away all my unholy thoughts. I sighed, "You guys must know why..."

Hermione placed her hand on my shoulder, "Yes... we saw it in the prophet this morning but... self-harming is not the solution, is it Draco?"

I gave her a weak smile, "It helps... numb the pain you know... I know how he was horrible to you all... and the fact that he was such a horrible father as well-"

Ron forrowed his brows, "He was horrible to you?"

"Yes... he would always use cruciatus curse whenever I messed up something... no matter how much I tried to prove him I was the son he had always wished for, he would always remind me I was just a piece of useless shit and that how he wished having no son was better than having a son like me. But he is still my father and I will never stop caring or loving him.", I said, almost in a whisper...

Harry plopped down on the chair beside my bed. I could see how puffy and red his eyes were and immediately felt a flower of guilt blossoming in my stomach...

He said, through his bloodshot eyes, "But... why hurt yourself... Is this your first time?"

I bit my lips nervously, "I stopped during the summer... I have been trying to cut this dark mark for all those years hoping it will be gone one day... This should not be a part of me.. never was and never should be.."

He tilted my chin up so we were staring into each other's eyes... he gave me a weak smile, "But Draco... this is also the reason why we grew close, isn't it?"

I scrunched my nose, "You should have just shook my hand on the first day?" He chuckled, "You had so much attitude." I huffed, "As if like you didn't have one."

Suddenly, he took my hand in his and started leaving kisses where my dark mark is (which is now wrapped with a bandage).

He looked up and smiled, "Draco, I love you for who you are. This is a part of you and I don't want you to change in any ways... I can't live without you.. please promise me, you will never do this again, love."

Tears started falling down my cheeks, "I am so sorry... I promise to never pull a stunt like this again, Harry... I am sorry..."

He kissed my hand before pulling me into a tight hug as he started running his hand up and down my back while his other hand was playing with my hair.

"And mate, we are always here for you. You don't have to go through everything alone you know. We got pretty worried.", Ron said.

I pulled away from Harry, "Yes.. sorry guys and thank you."
Harry pecked my lips, "Good boy."

Ron yawned, "Get some sleep, Draco. Come on guys, let's get going then."

"I was wondering... Harry to keep me company tonight?", I asked.
"Of course, love.", Harry grinned.

As he lied down together with me, Hermione and Ron said, "Goodnight."
"Goodnight and use protection kids.", I gave them a crooked smile.

"Shove off, Malfoy.", Ron scoffed as I roared with laughter.

Harry placed his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.
I sighed, "Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve such an amazing boyfriend like you, Harry."

He mummbled in a sleepy voice, "Probably loads of good stuff, love."
I chuckled, "Probably."
He kissed my forehead, "Goodnight, baby."
"Gooodnight, sleepy head."

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