Chapter 2- Second chance

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Harry's POV:

"Mate, sleep with us tonight.", Ron said, his face showing concern.

I sighed," Its now or never, Ron. I can't keep avoiding him."

He patted my shoulder giving me a weak smile," Good luck and i have kept my door unlocked just in case."

"Thanks, I need it. Oh and if I don't join you guys tomorrow for breakfast, make sure to come look for me."

He nodded," Sleep with an eye opened.", and with that he left.

I took a deep breath and muttered to myself, 'here goes nothing', before i turned the doorknob.

As i enetered the room, I was in awe. There was a bunk bed in the corner and two cupboards(red and green) beside it. The celing was sparkling with enchanted stars and the wall was painted yellow and blinds covering a huge window. It was quite smaller than my old room but seems cooler.

I could hear the water running from our attached bathroom and guessed Draco must be showering. I decided to change into my pjs before he is done.

It felt like an eternity before i heard the water stop. My heart's beating like a drum, but why? Yeah, i am probably nervous to see him, right.... Shit, what do i say???

My thoughts were interrupted when he stepped out of the shower in his green silk pjs, his hair still wet... water dripped down from his forehead to his sharp jawline to his chest to.... 'STOP IT', i mentally snapped myself.

"Hi", we both said in unision. I chuckled,"Hi Draco." He smiled,"Hi Po- Harry.." We both fell silent, unsure of what to say next...

"Harry...", Draco began,"I am deeply ashamed to what I have done to you and your friends for the past years... I really hope you will be able to forgive me one day even though I don't expect you to... I am sorry Harry and-"

I smiled," Draco, I am ready to forgive you."

Draco was staring me with his eyes wide opened and jaws dropped," what? B-but... really?"

I nodded," What's happened before was in the past and I just wanna focus on my present and future... Well, you are trying to fix ur mistake after u realised what you did was wrong... just promise me you won't do it again and i m ready to give you a second chance."

Tears were rolling down his cheeks freely, he replied," Oh, Harry, I can't thank you enough... and i will never break your trust, i promise."

I got closer to him... the last thing I want is for him to cry... I started wipping the tears with my thumb," Good. Now, do you wanna play 20 questions? To get to know each other?"

We spend a few more hours asking multiple questions to each other and there was not one single thing this guy could not do: he could play guitar, he can cook, he swims, he sings, he can dance, he loves reading(esp the muggle books he reads secretly) damn, i m impressed i must say.

Suddenly, I asked," wheres Pansy?"

Draco's smile turned into a frown," She's not coming back, she's moved abroad with her family." I could not bear seeing him hurt...

I did not want to push him further. I hugged him and ran my hands up and down his back, comforting him, while Draco's head rested on my shoulder. Being this close to Draco... feels nice... very comfortable too...
The guy who used to be my enemy suddenly became someone i feel comfortable to be around with...? How is this possible...

"Are you gonna let go or do you plan to stay like this till morning?", Draco asked.

"Well, Sirius would comfort me like this whenever i get sad and i would instantly feel good.", i smirked, as i could feel him shiver feeling my breath on his ears as I spoke.

As I pulled away, Draco muttered, blushing hard," I have never been hugged before you know... it felt really good..."

"Never?!", i asked, astonished.

He nodded.

I gave him a crooked smile," Guess I will be doing it more often then."

Draco gave me the sweetest smile I have ever seen in my life," Yes, please."

"Well, i guess we should go to sleep, it's already midnight, Draco. Top or bottom?"

He dropped the wand he was holding and stared at me with wide eyes. I gave him a puzzled look," um... whats wrong... I asked if you want top or bottom bed. What were you thin- Ohh!!!! Oh, shit! Um, perhaps you want some holy water, Draco??"

"Maybe you can say it clearer, Potter?"
I chuckled,"so?"

As i climbed up to my bed, I smiled," Good night, Draco." "Night, Harry.", he smiled back.

This was one of the few nights i slept so soundly in all those years.

Harry potter and his slytherin prince حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن