Chapter 21- Punishment

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A/N: This story contains 18+ content. Read at your own risk.

Harry's POV:

"You fool!", I groaned at my reflection, getting ready for my class.

Remember when Draco promised me to have sex last night and I believed him? Yeah, he went to sleep after teasing me the whole day during classes.

"Harry, can you please pass me my uniform I left on my bed?", Draco called out from the bathroom.

"Yeah babe.", but I stopped midway when a wicked idea struck my head. I opened my trunk and replaced his boxers with a 'special boxer' I bought during Christmas to surprise him later...

"Here Draco.", I knocked on his door as he took them from me.

After a couple of minutes, he came out of the shower frowning, "Babe.. these boxers feel weird, are you sure they are mine?"

I rolled my eyes, "Draco, you are the only one who wears plain black boxers out of the two of us. Of course, they are yours!"

He protested, "No babe, I don't think-"
I cut him off, "Draco, stop overthinking and Merlin's beard! We should get going if we don't wanna end up in detention!"

I dragged him out of our room not even waiting for his reply, patting the remote I placed earlier in my pocket.

"Um, Draco. Why are you walking in a funny way? You good?", Hermione asked.

Draco frowned, "It's just my-"
I gave off a small laugh, "Draco's fine Hermione. Come on, let's get going inside."

As I dragged Draco and took a seat in the front row, Draco's eyes widen, "Bloody hell! Harry, I think... oh shit... is this-"

I smirked, clicking a button when he gasped, "Oh fuck!"
I asked, acting innocent, "What's wrong babe?"

He glared at me, "You damn as well know why Potter! WhHHHHyy- shit!"

As I couldn't stop giggling, he hissed, "STOP IT POTTER!"
I smirked and pressed a button. He grasped my robes and bit his lips to hold in a moan. Seconds later, he let go of me as I pressed another button. He was panting, "Why would you do this to me?"

I whispered, "As a punishment to break your promise, my dearest Malfoy. Now, you wear it the whole day and make sure you don't cum until I tell you, or else I won't hesitate to punish you even more."

He grimanced, looking at his half- hard cock.. shit, I felt a movement in my own pants looking at it.

He smiled, "That's fine, I will go change into my boxers after this class." I chuckled, "I gave them all for laundry already and I know how uncomfy you feel without them, so the choice is yours, love."

He groaned, "I hate you!" I shrugged, hitting a button again as a moan escaped his lips.
"Be a good boy and you shall be rewarded.", I smirked.

I stopped as Sirius stepped into class, "Good morning my young wizards and witches!"
"Good morning, Professor Black!"

He smiled, "I hope you are ready for your presentations. I would like to start with Harry and Draco. Come on you guys."
Draco's POV:

As we got up, I winced at the slight movement of it. Ugh! How am I gonna survive the whole day?!

I wishpered, "Harry darling, please spare me from embarrassing myself in front of whole class at least, pleaseeeee?"
He smiled, "You do not tell me what to do."

I rolled my eyes as he started the presentation. I was relieved I felt nothing so far... but as I started speaking, "And that is whHHHYy transf- tra... transfigura...tion i-is", I bit my lips unable to form words anymore... Harry is doing it again...

"Draco, are you alright?", Sirius asked.
"Yeah, babe, what's wrong?", Harry started showing fake concern.

I shook my head, trying not to moan, "I am.. fine, don't worry." Sirius nodded, "Continue then."

"As I was saying-", my body was shaking... and I bit my lips so hard, and oh- nothing.

"I guess, you should go see Madam Pomfrey, Draco.", Sirius cut me off. I shook my head as Harry butted in, "Yes Professor. I am quite concerned too, he has been acting weird all morning."

Surius nodded, "Harry, can you please take him to the hospital wing?"

I sighed, but as I followed him out, I could feel it again...much worse than before... My knees buckled and I collapsed to the ground. This time, I moaned, unable to hold it in any longer...hoping noone heard me...

Sirius ran towards me, "Draco, are you okay?" Harry carried me in bridal style, "Don't worry, babe. I will carry you there."

Once we got out of class, he started rushing towards an empty bathroom.

As he placed me on my foot, I leaned against the wall and panted for air. I groaned, "Harry...I have to cum, now! My whole body is filled with so much pleasure, I can't-"

He pinned me against the wall and slammed his lips against mine. I moaned in his mouth as he grabbed my cock and started stroking it... "Harry, I need you inside me now."

He giggled, pulling away, "Not so fast, darling. If you will be a good boy for the whole day, I will fuck you after class... so hard you will feel it for days."

I pleaded, "Harry, please- pleaseeeee."
He gave me a crooked smile, "Please what?"
"Please fuck me now, Harry..."

He smirked, "Look at you begging for it. Get a taste of your own medicine, sweetheart. Now go to your next class before you're late."

As he left, I slid down to the floor and sighed, "Class. Merlin's beard... how am I supposed to survive the whole day..."
I don't know if I was relieved or bummed out if Harry and I didn't share the same classes today...

Harry kept playing with the buttons, and got turned on whenever I whimpered or moaned that day...

Finally, it was the last period and I was so glad Harry was in a different class. I can't wait for this class to end...

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "HARRY?!", I gasped.

He ignored me, "Sir! Professor McGonagall asked me to bring these papers to you."

"Oh thank you.", Professor Lupin smiled, "Oh and Harry, please wait for a minute here. I just have to sign these before you can return them back to Professor McGonagall."

I was trying so hard to avoid his gaze as he smirked at me. Luna whispered, "Did you guys fight?" I shook my head, "Long story."

As I was copying the notes, I felt it again... I groaned, "Not again!"

Professor gave me a puzzled look, "Not again, what Draco?"

I stuttered, "Uh.. no- nothing... SSSorry."

He forrowed his brows, "Are you fine? You look pale and you are sweating quite a lot..."
I nodded, " fine, sir."

Suddenly, he turned towards Harry, pursing his lips, "And is there something funny?"
Harry shook his head, trying to hold in his laughter, "No! No sir."

"Then stop!", I hissed, but then my breath hitched in my throat! He was playing with the buttons again!

"Uh... Professor, can I take him to the hospital wing?", Harry asked, showing fake concern and innocence.
Professor nodded, "Yes, please Harry."

I took my bag and held it in front to hide my boner as I stood up. As we stepped out of the class, I grabbed him in closer, slamming my lips against his so hungrily.

He chuckled, "Someone's thirsty, huh?"
I groaned as I felt the vibration in my pants again, "Please turn it off and fuck me already Harry."

He replied, turning it off, "Alright. Let's go to our room so that I can make love with you."

I growled, "I hate you."
"Oh you will love me soon enough when I make you scream, my darling.", he winked.
I blushed, knowing he is right...

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