Chapter 9- Surprise

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Draco's POV:
I was sitting at the great hall with Harry and Hermione waiting for Ron. "Nervous?", Harry asked, placing his hand on my thigh.
I whimpered, "Y-yes."

"We are with you, don't fret.", he whispered in my ears. Shit.... him acting like this wasn't helping at all...

"I appreciate your support, but Harry I want you to remove your hand.", I mustered all my courage. He smirked," I thought you liked it."

When did Potter get this bold? Suddenly, someone screamed from behind," What is he doing here?!"


I stood up and turned to face him," Hello, Ron." He snapped," Don't call me by my first name. We aren't friends."

I nodded,"Sorry, Weasley... Can we-"
He cut me off," Malfoy, we have nothing to-"
"No, Weasley, listen to me-"

"Merlin's pants! Let me speak! Look, I am so ashamed of how I treated you all these years ... please, I am begging for your forgiveness.", I pleaded.

He shook his head," After all these years? No."
I pleaded," I am ready to do anything to gain your forgiveness, I swear."

Harry stood up,"Ron, please give him a second chance... he deserves it."
Ron seemed to be in a deep thought... I crossed my fingers hoping for him to accept my apology.

"Ok, fine."
My eyes lit up," You have forgiven me?? Blimey! Ron, thank you-"

"Woah, not too soon... you have to promise to never betray us, Draco."
"Yes, i will never do anything to break your trust i promise!"

The next thing I knew the whole great hall was filled with applauses.
Harry's POV:

"But professor, my class won't start for another 30 minutes?", I asked.
"I know, Potter. Just go straight to your class now, stop asking me questions and Malfoy, can you please follow me to my office now?", McGonagall said.

I started walking towards my DADA class... why would she insist me to come here this early? Time to find out, i guess... i turned the doorknob... and BLOODY HELL!

"REMUS?!", I ran towards him and hugged him so tightly. He chuckled,"Good to see you, too, Harry."

"No way! You are our new DADA professor? Why didn't you tell me?", I pulled away from him.

"I wanted to surprise you."

I nodded," I am so gladdd, but wait hold on, then... Teddy is with Sirius? Oh no! I hope they don't burn down the house!"
"No it won't happen, Harry don't worry.", another voice came from behind.

My hands flew to my mouth as I turned back to face him,"SIRIUS?! BLIMEY! JUST WHEN I THOUGHT THIS DAY COULD NOT GET BETTER!"

He chuckled, "Now gimme a hug, Harry."
I engulfed him in my arms as i muttered,"I was worried Teddy was alone with you."

"Aww! Someone's worried about his godfather!", Sirius placed his hand on his chest dramatically.

I gave him a crooked smile," Um, no. I was worried about Teddy... he is my godson after all."

Remus roared with laughter, while Sirius pouted like a small baby.

"Anyways, what are you teaching?"
"Transfiguration, of course.", he said, proudly.

I gasped," You were good in transfiguration?" He scoffed," I am offended. Of course, I was! Don't forget, I can turn into a big black dog when I want, Harry."

I smiled,"Damn, this might be the best year of Hogwarts, after all."

As me and Hermione were laughing at one of Ron's lame jokes, suddnely, Draco came running in with his nose bleeding...

"Draco? Why's your nose bleeding?", I asked, taking out a tissue from my backpack.

"Just fell from a few stairs while running.", Draco winced in pain.

"Draco, are you sure-", Hermione was cut off by Draco,"Of course, why would I lie?"
Hermione forrowed her brows," I am just worried some slytherins might be after you."
He chuckled," Don't worry, noone's after me."

"Stand still, Draco. Let me fix it for you.", Remus said,"Episkey!"
"Ouch. Oh thanks. It feels better.", he smiled.
"It looks better, too.", I nodded.

Sirius pulled me to a corner and whispered, "Really? Draco?"
I shrugged," He has changed. I think he deserves a second chance."
"But-", Sirius was cut off my Remus,"Sirius, let him be. He is old enough to make his own decisions."

Sirius sighed," Fine, but if he troubles you, just come to me. And i should get going for my first class, too. See you, Harry."
"Bye, Sirius and good luck!"

He chuckled, "Not that I need it, but thanks."
I shook my head. Always so over confident.

Harry potter and his slytherin prince Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon